Chapter Two

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Sasha's POV

I sat in silence in the corner of the dungeon, thinking over what had just happened. Marcy, the sweetest, most innocent of us all, had betrayed us. I didn't know what to think or who to trust. I had expected this day to go very differently. 

Me and Grime were meant to take over Newtopia, and then rule the whole of Amphibia. But that did not work out at all. First the Hamer exploded because of the bomb Marcy had set on it. How she had managed to do that was anybody's guess. 

Then, when I thought that at least we could go home, Andrias wouldn't let us! I mean, I always thought he was a bit sketchy but come on! Seriously! Andrias had to betray us. 

I guess I was planning to betray everyone too, but that not the point. In the end it was Marcy and Andrias who were to blame. 

I looked around the dungeon, three walls were made of stone and an iron door stood in between of us and escape. 

I could hear Anne talking with the Planters, trying to make a plan most likely. I slowly inched towards them to hear better. 

"Maybe if we kick the walls really hard there'll fall down!?!" Polly whispered, "Like Hoorrrr Yaaa!"  

I flinched as Polly threw herself at a wall, aiming with her new legs to kick. 

"This isn't working." Anne groaned. "We need to come up with a better plan." 

"Maybe you just need my help," I said, coming over to them. 

Anne frowned at me, "You really think we want your help? You were going to steal the music box!" 

"Yeah, but Marcy had been manipulating us this whole time." I answered. 

"Says you," Anne snorted, "The biggest manipulator I've ever known." She pauses, "I thought you had changed." 

"Look," I started, "I know you're not happy with me but I don't think either of us wants to be stuck in this dungeon any longer. Right?" 

Reluctantly, Anne nodded. 

"So once we work together and find a way out, we can split up. Okay?" 

"Sasha.." Anne began. 

"No," I snapped, "This is what we're doing." 

"Fine. What's your plan then?" 

"Uhh I don't really have one." I answered sheepishly. 

"Great." She wined, "I thought that you would at least have a plan." 

"What? Why would you think that?" 

Anne stood up, glaring at me. "Maybe because you're always making up ways to betray us!" 

"Whaat? me?" I grinned, "I would never." 

"AURHHHHHHHHHH" Anne screamed. But something strange was happening, Anne started to glow and a blue aura appeared around her. She levitated above the ground and as she screamed a blast of light shot out of her and hit the far wall, causing it to collapse. 

And just as quickly as it appeared, the blue light disappeared. We all stood there in shock, starring at Anne and at the now broken wall. 

I was the first to speak. 

"So.. that happened."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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