valentines day shenanigans

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I don't have a valentine this year so here's a duncney valentines day special

[Duncans pov]

I roll over to face my nightstand, my phone vibrating, it wasn't my alarm, I snoozed that 20 minutes ago. Who the fuck is calling me at 6 am?

I pick up my phone, 'princess'. It was Courtney. I answer her face time request and she was eating breakfast in her kitchen, wearing a white top and ripped jeans, "hey, dunc."

She says, I groan as I rub my eyes "hey, what are u calling for?" I say in a tired tune "are you still in bed? Duncan! You said you'd get up early for school today," she rolls her eyes. I suddenly remembered it was valentines day, "oh yeah.... hey, happy valentines day." She smiles, "you too. Now come pick me up i have a gift for u!" I shrug

"What is it? Another 32 page paper?" She rolls her eyes "i promise U I dont make those anymore! Now hurry up and pick me up" She groans, "you wanna ride with me on my motorcycle? Also, if your moms home she'll kill me" I roll my eyes, Courtney was always scared of riding my motorcycle so I was pleasantly surprised and a bit impressed she wanted to go ride with me to school

"Oh my lord, my parents are out getting divorced. You're clear." She sighs, her parents marriage problems were always so weird, but I didn't think they would get divorced on VALENTINES DAY, that's just sad. Poor Courtney actually.

"Damn, on valentines day? Their marriage must really be awful if their willing to get divorced on the day of love" I Chuckle, getting out of bed and picking out clothes

"I swear their a different breed, but in all seriousness, please hurry and come over, I don't want us to be late and get detention. Also i got u something so good" She Chuckles, I put on a black shirt and grey sweatpants, and my red worn out converse.

I decide to skip breakfast and grab my bag, holding the phone back as me and courtney were still on call, "so, what'd you get me?" I ask with a grin "Im not telling you! Come and find out." She Chuckles, "sure, ill 'cum' and find out"

I laugh as she looks at me with a dumbfounded look, "You're so cringe its sad." She laughed a little, I rolled my eyes as I start to walk outside, locking the door "whatever, be there in 5." I wink at her as she hanged up, I shoved my phone in my pocket and grab my keys

I hop on my motorcycle and start driving to her house, 5 minutes later I finally get to her house and I park my motorcycle infront of her house, getting off and ringing the doorbell. After a few seconds she opens the door and gives me a big hug

"Hey, so whats the amazing surprise of yours?" I grin at her, she gives me a quick kiss, and hands me a green box,

I look at her confused "huh?" I mutter "open it" I follow her words and start to the box, inside was a pair of new red converse, "sweet! Thanks court!" I hug her tightly, she just Chuckles

"Like it?" I nod, and I put it on, "these look so good" I look at my feet as I wore the red new converse, "i swear ill get u a gift after class"


[Courtneys pov]

As class ended, I started to walk to the local diner I worked part time at, Heather walking with me, I walk into the kitchen and put on the apron taking a deep breathe as I got prepared to serve shitty spoilt customers for the next 5 hours

I served tables as heather worked in the counter, it was only us two and the 40 year old woman who owned the store that works at the kitchen,

"Ugh, court can you work th counter for a minute, i gotta pee" Heather wispers "sure, be quick though" I stand at the counter as she went to the restroom. There wasn't alot of people, barely actually, it was 4:42 usually the busiest hour here, but a new restaurant opened across the street so r.i.p my income I guess,

Only 5 people were in here, a middle a age couple, a girl and a guy on their first date, and a guy on his laptop who was probably only here for the free internet. But then I see a guy carrying a huge bouquet of tulips, probably Alejandro, which is so dumb because Heather is a roses girl, "heather doesnt like tulips, and shes in the bathroom." I roll my eyes not bothering to look at 'Alejandro'

"But these arent for heather" I hear a familiar voice, it was Duncan! "Oh!" I say a little excited. I run up to him he smiles "i got you a huge bouquet of tulips, i wanted to get roses but they sold out." He wiped his sweat off, it looked like a heavy ass bouquet.

"I dont like roses anyway, thank you so muchhhh i love tulips!" I hug him, giving him a kiss "phew, so where should i put this down?" He laughs, struggling to keep up the bouquet, "just over there, i have no idea how im gonna carry that home but! I love it" I Chuckle as he puts the huge bouquet to a restricted booth of the diner, it was restricted because it was considered where waitresses take their breaks.

He comes back and gives me a huge hug while we were in the middle of the room, pulling me in for a kiss, we just kissed at the middle of the room without a care in the world, which is pretty weird if you jst walked in the diner and see a waitress and her scruffy boyfriend making out, but we didn't care.

[Heathers pov]

I walk out the bathroom to see Courtney and her con boyfriend making out at the middle of the diner, ew ew ew!!! But there was also a huge bouquet of tulips at the break booth, whilst the two of them maked out, ew again. Thats so gross. Only I'm aloud to make out in public.



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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