cHap tre

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dadi baNgchan thrust yu so hard on the floor of the hallwey and yu screm and cry Because the pleasure is two mach fa yu to handel. "dadi ples softer becaus my vajeyjey hert a lil bit when yur beg dick thrust inta me 🥺"

"ok, i wel," he slo down his pase, butt yu si someone that yu nourgh walk pass yu in the hallwey he walk pass yu!

"omg mr bin, whe are yu hear rn!!!" u asc very nervise becuz mr changbin is veri clos to u and dadi bangchan and he is watched u very closli.

"es ok, i lik wachin ashualy!" he smil very beg as you

scream relly loudly becus dadi chan deck is phshin into yur uterus hes cum is goin all over ur egz.

"eh am sa horny rn," mr bin seys.

"me to!" dadi chan repli

"oke 🥺"

Author's Note:

Lol sorry for disappearing off of the face of the earth... starting at my new school has been crazyyy asf :/

I thought I would update this fic first since it's highest in demand !!

Sorry again pookies <33

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⏰ Última atualização: Feb 14 ⏰

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High School Oppar Daddy || Bangchan fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora