Chapter 25: The Battle for the Royal Capital's Recovery 3

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Chapter 25: The Battle for the Royal Capital's Recovery 3

TL: Etude

"Your Highness, the rebel leader Hals has been captured, and all the insurgents at the north gate have surrendered."

As evening approached, Duke Walker and Princess Catherine converged at the palace, bringing with them the body of Sir Hals.

"It seems that this traitor was driven mad by the news of the east gate's fall, recklessly charging into our ranks, only to be killed by a barrage of arrows from our archers."

Catherine coldly glanced at Hals, now resembling a porcupine with arrows, and ordered, "Take this traitor's head and use it to persuade the remaining defiant rebels to surrender."

Immediately, someone came to drag Hals's body away for "processing".

"Your Highness, Lord Rupert and several other ministers have arrived," someone reported.

Catherine was overjoyed: "Bring them here at once."

On the day of the rebellion, Hals had personally led troops into the palace. Had it not been for Count Rupert, the Chancellor, holding off Hals with a group of ministers, buying precious time for the king, the king might have fallen into the rebels' clutches, complicating the current situation significantly. At least, Catherine would have been hesitant to attack the city without regard for their safety.

Therefore, Catherine was deeply grateful to Rupert and the other ministers who had delayed the rebels that day. Although she had received intelligence that Hals did not go on a killing spree but merely imprisoned them, Catherine was still worried that this rebel leader might suddenly lose his sanity and act irrationally.

Another reason was that if a large part of the kingdom's administrative hierarchy were to be decimated, setting up a new administrative team would not be easy, and she would have concerns about leading her army south to quell the rebellion.

Rupert and the others soon entered, "We pay our respects to Her Royal Highness."

"Please, rise," she said.

After the upheaval, their reunion was somewhat emotional.

Rupert asked worriedly, "Is His Majesty the King well?"

Catherine replied with a look of guilt, "Father is safe and has regained consciousness. He will return to the capital soon. But what about you? Do you blame me for attacking the city without considering your safety? I am sorry."

Rupert reassured her, "Your Highness, do not harbor such thoughts. Unnecessary pity is a grave mistake for a commander."

The other ministers expressed similar sentiments.

Catherine was greatly relieved by their understanding and led them to the council hall within the palace.

"Father has commanded me to temporarily manage state affairs until he recovers. Given the current situation, do you have any advice for me?"

Rupert suggested, "The priority is to stabilize the morale and order in the Crystal Shine region and to resume production."

Catherine agreed, "Yes, Chancellor, please draft an announcement to inform the Crystal Shine Fortress (City) and nearby areas about the execution of the rebels, to stabilize the public's mind."

"Your Highness, please enforce martial law for at least a month to pacify the region. After the rebellion, Crystal Shine's governance became chaotic, and many who sought to fish in troubled waters must be brought to justice," the Minister of Justice also offered his opinion.

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