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Ch. 26: Good Girl.

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Torin speeds down the country roads, knuckles turning white the more he grips the steering wheel. I study his expression, noticing the subtle tick his jaw undergoes every time he exhales. Tension radiates off him in waves, making the car unbearably claustrophobic.

"T, calm down."

"Don't tell me to calm down, Imogen," comes his response.

His rage only intensifies.

"You're being ridiculous," I accuse, purposely dragging my gaze to the window. "You do realise I'll have to marry him one day."


"And have his children."

Torin slams on the breaks, halting the car in the arse end of nowhere.

"The hell you will!"

At this, I turn to face him. "What choice do I have?"

"You could not marry him," he states, gaze a dangerous inferno.

I scowl in the face of his sarcasm.

"Don't be a dick."

"I'm not being a dick."

"Yes, you are!" I yell. "Do you think I want this? To sit in the same room as the man who sexually assaulted me?"

He goes to speak, but I cut him off.

"I don't want to marry Aidan as much as you don't want me to marry him, but there's a lot riding on this and I'd appreciate your fucking support!"

"My support?" He laughs. "Imogen—sweetheart—you're not fucking getting it!"

I open my door, quick to escape. Fuck him and fuck his anger. I'm hardly expecting his elation, but a bit of compassion would be nice.

"Get back in the car!"

I continue walking along the abandoned road, ignoring his desperate plea.

"Angel, get in the fucking car!"

His voice is a lot closer this time, so I spin around to face him, jabbing a finger at his chest.


"Why not?"

"Because I don't deserve your anger," I reply, gaze narrowing.

His nostrils flare as he attempts to get a handle on his emotions.

"I'm trying to protect our daughter and those countless other children!" I implore, unleashing the extent of my anger. "I'm fucking terrified, and I need you to tell me I'm doing the right thing. That I can count on you."

"You're asking me to approve of your marriage to another man."


He sighs. "I'm well aware."

I turn around, unprepared to let him see my cry.


I ignore him, continuing my walk.


I'm moments away from turning the corner when his huge figure emerges, furious.

"Fuck you, Torin!"

"You're not safe out here. Get back in the car."

I push on his chest, attempting to side-step him.



He steps in front of me, blocking my path.

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