if i eat one more pound of sugar i'm gonna get diabetes 🙏🙏

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Prosciutto and his big titty goth bf Risotto were at a café with Pesci being a third wheel and drinking a bottle of milk while the two others are sipping on their coffee while a baby cries because he can't handle seeing a homosexual blond piece of crap and a six foot tall goth guy on a date.

Risotto: "My goddamn phone is fucking ringing again."

Risotto opens up his phone to his beautiful evanescence wallpaper and answers the call and due to the screaming on the other end he can tell its from the other members of La Squadra cause who else is dumb enough to be like them and he listens closely to hear them.

"Melone is fucking dancing and Illuso is thinking about committing murder!"

Risotto can immediately tell who is on the line and who the other three people are in the back, Ghiaccio is most likely the one screaming and since the other two are doing something so the person calling is Formaggio because Risotto's brain hasn't melted yet so he can come up with that conclusion (the same can't be said for Pesci)

Risotto: "What the hell happened, where are you.."

Formaggio: "We, uhmm.. Maybe in jail right now?"

Risotto: "Of course you fucking idiots managed to fuck that up. Goddamn it. I'm coming."

beep.. beep.. beep..

Risotto: "Prosciutto, we need to break out Melone.. again."

Prosciutto has already picked up his risotto de al nero into an (oven) bridal carry and started to menacingly approach towards the prison, standing at a back entrance.

"So how are we going to get inside?"

"I Don't Know! FIGURE IT OUT."






".........." (please tell me someone got the reference)


Risotto breaks down the door and the guards were so intimidated by his large tiddies that they fainted, Risotto grinded their iron and bones into dust putting it under his hat for his next bbl ingredient.

Based off the loud tiktok Jason Derulo music Melone was down in the cell on the next corner.

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