Prologue: Short Intro

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Death City, 2019

Purple and navy colored the skies high above a large city with the smiling, crescent moon hanging above nonchalantly. It's eye simply gazing down, it seemed to follow a figure walking along the shadows within the city. Getting a closer look, the figure wore a skull of a deer on its head, it's body engulfed in black smoke, not uttering a word, as they hid in an alleyway for safe hiding. Footsteps walked past the alleyway by a group of four men dressed in black, one stopping and looking into the alley, being quiet as his eyes narrowed.

"What is it?" The other three stopped, watching the brunette before he shook his head, turning his body, and facing them as his hands moved with hand signing.

"He says he felt something off from this alleyway, as if someone was hiding. But, he can't see or sense a soul anymore," a blonde man was relaying the sign language as his expression softened a bit.

"Glad to hear, bud. Let's keep going then. God knows she'll just appear out of no where and bother us for not doing our job," he spoke out loud, but his hands soon signed back to his friend. The brunette glanced back to the alleyway once again before walking after the group.

"I don't want to deal with her either way. Her presence is intimidating, but, I'll say it again. She isn't deserving of her role after everything she caused and put everyone through. I even feel bad for Kid," spoke another brunette, his brows furrowing with his lips frowning. "After the accident with her six months ago, it's been more quiet and peaceful than it has since she took over fifteen years ago."

"Hah! I'll say," scoffed a redhead leading the group. " That damned scream was awful! But, serves her right for what she went through. If it was any other woman, I would feel bad. Not for her though. She wanted to be Death, so be it. Why be someone who deals with death try and create life? Makes no sense to me," he ranted to the others as the other two mumbled agreement, the deaf man keeping an eye out while they spoke.

"I wish Kid would step up! I mean, come on, he was suppose to take over after Lord Death, that was his father. And She comes in after the whole dimension fiasco and messes it up. Why does he deal with her bullshit? Even standing by her side when she went through her ordeal? When she went off killing people, and becoming a dictator. Not just with our world, but, everyone else's she can get her hands on. Why? That's all I want to ask him if there's a chance he's alone," the blonde man spoke, another murmur of agreement sounding from the other two.

"Whatever the reason, all we can do is just act like the soldiers we were hired to become. We need to make sure Death City is safe, even if it's under her gaze. This is the best we can do," the redhead said, turning left down a street as their conversation ensued. As they continued their monitoring of the empty streets, the skilled figure sat atop a roof with their head lowering a bit with a deep hum rumbling in their chest. Slipping through shadows throughout homes, rooftops, and alleyways, the figure soon got to the entrance of the city. Staring out at the board walk surrounded by sand, their head turned a bit to glance back at the castle in the middle of the peaceful city.

"I'm sorry." A low pitched voice sounded from the shadowed figure, looking down at a shadowed hand holding a green and gray cube with blue high lights.

"I must try and fix this, and in turn only hope another version of me does not make the same mistakes I have bestowed upon my universe. Forgive me, Kid. I love you dearly, even though all I have dragged you through the trenches and horrors I caused. Your smile never faltered, but I know your heart aches for the wrongs to be right instead. I shall fix this. In time of my absence... please fix what I have done. Goodbye, sweet prince of mine, Death the Kid. I shall see you in another time, I hope."

A shaky breath left a pair of trembling lips, a man staring down at the note in hand before his body swiveled around, walking to a window of a bedroom he shared with another. Looking out, his golden eyes landed on the shadowed figure from afar walking down the boardwalk. His body tensed up as he watched a portal appear in front of them before they were gone. Hands gripped the window sill as his head lowered, closing his eyes tightly to stop threatening tears to run down his cheeks.

"You're doing the right thing. I just wish you didn't have to do this alone," he spoke, keeping his voice from trembling as he took a deep breath, lifting his head, and opening his eyes to look back out the window. "Please be safe out there....


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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