Incident Again? Despair...

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Disclaimer: This chapter contains a ton of dialogue, so be warned that you may bore easily from the conversational interactions of the characters.

Please feel free as well to comment down any part of this crossover that requires its criticism and further improvement. That is all, and enjoy reading on.

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Chisa Yukizome and two of our heroines returned to the seventy-seventh classroom with two final students of the section.

Previously, the present students were tasked with retrieving their absent classmates and managed to fill up their class except for the last two.

Instead, Chisa assigned the rest of her pupils to tidy the classroom while she ventured alone to find those other two, navigating alongside Marisa Kirisame and Sanae Kochiya who both volunteered to help in the search.

Conveniently, they accomplished just that and departed again to the room with Ultimate Animator(?), 'Ryota Mitarai' and Ultimate Gamer, Chiaki Nanami.

Chisa slammed her wooden stand a second time. "All right, all right! Everyone was patient and in their best behavior!"

Her grinning paces around the class as she glanced at all of them. "Very well done. This is a fine beginning of your youth!"

The classroom was impressively sparkling in neatness and was squeaky clean.

"When Ibuki does something, she does it right!" Ibuki Mioda, Ultimate Musician, posed her hands upon hips in her seat, a bragging, long-nosed and toothed-smiling face.

"And, if it weren't for Sakuya's help by her maid talent, we would've worn ourselves out more than we should've!" Sonia Nevermind, Ultimate Princess with honored eyes.

"That's no doubt, ze. Sakuya's really handy with those kind of stuff," Marisa complimented, feigning a friendly look.

"Then we should've just let her do all the cleaning since she's so good at it! Argh, I'm so tired, I could die!" Hiyoko Saionji, Ultimate Traditional Dancer complained, head and arms on her desk.

"But you didn't even do anything!" countered Kazuichi Soda, Ultimate Mechanic, turning to her in disbelief.

"I appreciate it, but I wouldn't have done the job faster without each of your cooperation." Sakuya Izayoi, Ultimate Perfect Maid said politely.

"I'm glad you think that, Miss Izayoi. Cleaning is one thing I'm know how to do too." admitted Nagito Komaeda, Ultimate Lucky Student. "I'm thankful we've received a learning space where our teamwork shines through our individual talents."

His affirmations was added with kindness on his face, although some had looked at him uneasily or suspiciously.

"Hmph." sulks Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Ultimate Gangster, whose arms rest behind his head that turned away stubbornly.

"That's marvelous to hear! I'm starting to look up to each one of you and your underestimated harmony!" Sanae said inspiredly.

"Despite differences, everyone else gave it their all and worked surprisingly well together..." spoke Reimu Hakurei, Ultimate Shrine Maiden.

Despaired Hope, Fantasied Reality ~ Touhou Project x Danganronpa 3Where stories live. Discover now