Yeji's POV

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"UGH CRAP!" Yeji's bike wheels screeches as she sees the light turn into yellow. "First day of school and I'm going to be late..."

Yeji looks to the left, Yeji looks to the right... and the whole definition of the yellow signals change for Hwang Yeji.

For everyone else it might mean slow down but for Hwang, Yellow means...


Unfortunately, even if Yeji pushes the pedal up to 20/hr, there is always going to be car that will be going 40...


Yeji was shaking in the corner as she sees the car just inches before it turned her into a roadkill.

"Omo miss?! Are you alright?!"

Yeji wasn't dead but getting hit by a car sure looks embarrassing...


And those worried doe eyes, that gorgeous face. OMO! Yeji is looking at an Angel.

"Miss?" The angel looking girl asks...

Oh wait... what just happen? oh me, almost got hit by a car.

"Don't worry about me..." Yeji chuckles embarrassingly...

"I can't do that, I almost hit you... let me take you to the hospital at least..."

"No... haha... I'm ok... just drive safely next time..."

"Oh... ahhh..."

Yeji picks up her bike or more of the pieces of her bike, along with what's left of her self esteem and walks away grinning like an idiot.

Hwang Yeji only person on Earth who's still smiling after almost getting run over.


Sept 13

The first time you crash into me (like literally), I felt like the heaven and Earth collide.

Because the first time I saw Shin Ryujin, heaven became a place on Earth...

OMO! Someone grab a bucket because I think I'm going to make myself puke...


Sept 28

Prettiest girl in the world's name is Shin Ryujin, freshmen and now every person on Earth's ideal girl.

Well, at least she knows me...

As the girl that put a dent on her car.


"Hi unnie"

She's talking to me... quick Hwang say something really cool... "I'm going to sue you" Crap! Not cool at all.

Ryujin's eyes widen in worry... "Oh, ummm... well... ahhh..."

"Oh JK. JK. I'm not..."

Ryujin couldn't help breathe a sigh of relief. "Oh... you scared me there, unnie..."

"S-sorry... I'm ahhhh Yeji..."

"I know..."

Of course she does, as the girl that she almost killed.

"I'm Ryujin..."

Of course I know, as the future mother of my kids...Ok, I'm just being a creep... "Oh, I didn't know that... when I see you I just say, oh that's the girl that almost run me over... hehehe...."

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