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We've been out on the sea for a few hours now. Dad said we'd reach the last island soon but I was growing bored by the second.

I stared at the horizon where the sky met the sea as the waves rocked the ship back and forth. I was about to leave when I caught movement out of the corner of my eye.

I turned around just in time to see a scauldron pop its out from under the surface. It was quickly trailed by 2- no 3 baby's that happily swam along side their mother.

I smiled at the sight grabbing my sketchbook and a pencil from my satchel, hoping I could at least get a quick sketch of the beautiful moment.

They only stayed for a couple moments before disappearing into the water but that was all I needed. I added the finishing touches before noticing my dad walking over to me.

"What ya got there?"

I handed him my sketchbook while placing the pencil back in my bag.

I handed him my sketchbook while placing the pencil back in my bag

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(not my art. i found it on Pinterest. if you know the artist please lmk)

"I saw a family of scauldrons! A mama and her babies!"

My dad smiled at me, handing the book back to me.

"Thats a sight you'll never forget. I remember the first time I saw a pod of seashockers. Just glad they didn't see me!"

He let out a loud hearty laugh that I had grown to admire. He was always so upbeat and strong. I can't wait to grow up and be just like him.

We spent the rest of the day sharing stories about his past experiences with dragons and my "camp outs" in the woods back home.

Soon the sun slipped beneath the waves, replaced by the moon and stars. We had reached the island and set up camp. After a filling meal, we prepared our sleeping bags to get some shuteye.

I yawn, "Night dad"

"Good night firefly"

I felt my eyes droop until they fully closed. i slept soundly for a couple dreamless hours before being woken by the sound of hushed laughter and multiple pairs of footsteps. When I sat up the noises went quiet. This put me on high alert.

Mama warned me about mean people who hurt dragons for their own gain. Hoping that wasn't the case I looked to my side and noticed my dad's empty sleeping bag. I reached into my satchel and pulled out a pocket knife, holding it tightly.

"W-who's there!?"

I'm answered with snickering as 3 large men creep out of the dark forest. I immediately stood up and got into a defensive stance.

Weird...I could've sworn I heard more than three pairs of footsteps...never mind.

"Who are you? What do you want?"

I successfully keep my voice from wavering, only adding to what little confidence I had.

"We aren't gonna hurt ya. We just want your supplies and we'll be out of your hair."

One of the men, the shortest of the three, spoke in a condescending tone causing the anger to bubble inside me.

"Well you can't have it! Go find your own supplies!"

The other two chuckle as the he speaks again.

"Well that's a shame... I'm sure your daddy would want us to have it. Seeing as he just left it all here... including you."

My eyes widen slightly before I immediately shake away the idea of my dad leaving me behind.

"You're lying! H-he'll be back and then you're gonna be sorry for messing with us!"

Their laughter only grows.

"See for yourself"

He gestured to where our boat was previously docked. I took me only moments to notice it drifting away, soon to pass the horizon.

Dispare wash over me as my stance faltered. I felt tears threatening to spill but refused to let them fall.

As I was distracted I failed to notice the two men that had been quiet throughout the interaction creeping closer to me.

At the very last moment I realized and reacted. I slashed at the man to my right, cutting a deep gash in his palm.

"Shit! You little brat!"

He hissed in pain but the other quickly grabbed the knife from me before I could cause any more damage.

I push myself away from him, noticing a thick branch on the ground. I quickly picked it up and started swatting at the two men. In my panic, failed to notice the uninjured one grab a fist full of ash from the burnt out fire.

He threw the dust into my face, causing me to yelp in pain and surprise as it contaminated my eyes. As i rub my eyes vigorously with one hand, in a futile attempt to clean them quickly. The hand holding the stick continued to blindly swat in any direction I heard noise.

This tactic proved ineffective as the man I cut earlier grabbed my wrist with his good hand, twisting it till a deafening crack was heard, i cried in pain but I was quickly silenced as my face was shoved into the earth below.

The world spun for a moment as what little of my vision was left became spotty. I felt myself being tossed on to someone shoulder recklessly. Before completely blacking out I hear someone call my name.

what's that sound...? Is that...


(899 words)

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