34- I'm so sorry

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Jovi was warm, too warm. She felt dizzy as she kicked off the blankets that suffocated her.

An unfamiliar beeping sound started near her bed so she rolled over to try to make it stop. She opened her eyes to see an IV pump flashing a red light and beeping loudly.

"Oh dear! Look at you! Nice to see those pretty eyes." A nurse bustled in.

"What happened?" Jovi's head felt foggy.

"You were exhausted and dehydrated." The nurse smiled.

"I think I was lost." Jovi said licking her lips.

"Yeah, you were in the woods for a couple of days." The nurse had finished with the IV and patted her arm.

"Oh." Jovi looked down at her hands and arms that were covered in little scratches and bruises.

"You have a whole support group out there." The nurse nodded towards the door. "I will let your family know you are awake."

"Thanks." Jovi smiled. Whole support group? She wondered what exactly the nurse meant.

"Bon-Bon!" Her dad came in with her uncle and grandparents. Her dad gave her a small bag, she assumed held clothes. She put it on the night stand.

"Hey, sorry. I got lost." Jovi said suddenly feeling guilty.

"Not on purpose I would assume." Gramps kissed her head.

"Definitely not." She assured them.

"So what made you go out there alone?" Her dad asked standing near her head.

"Honesty?" She couldn't remember what had made her ride out alone in the dark.

"It was because of Wyatt, wasn't it?" Gran said shaking her head. She sat in the chair near the foot of the bed.

Brenny looked annoyed at the mention of Wyatt.

"Why do you say that?" Jovi asked.

The adults shot looks between themselves.

"What?" Jovi asked sitting up a little higher.

"How much do you remember?" Her dad asked.

"It's a little foggy." She admitted. Everyone was quiet looking around at each other.

"Apparently you had an upset." Gran said with persed lips.

Suddenly everything flashed back. Making out in the hay loft to finding Lainey and Wyatt in the dark.

"I remember." Jovi said finally.

"Is that why you went out there?" Her dad asked again.

"I guess. I just wanted to be alone. I never meant to go past the waterfall." She said.

"It doesn't matter now." Gramps said waving it off.

"Why am I in the hospital?" She changed the subject.

"You stayed up for three nights and with out food and all that walking all that way. Your body needed a rest." Her dad said.

"That makes sense." She nodded.

Brent still hadn't said anything. His expression was enough. She could see he was not happy.

Jovi yawned. She didn't know how she could still be tired.

"You need a rest. Do you want me to stay?" Her dad asked softly.

"No, dad, I am just going to sleep. You should go home." Jovi smiled at him.

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