Think of Me {10}

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"I'm moving and I'm leaving next week." Ally said. I looked at her processing what I just heard.

10% ...

40% wait

60% hold up

80% moving?


"W-wait. Y-you're m-moving?" Gosh why am I stuttering? She looked at the ground and nodded. My shocked face soften. "So that's why you wanted to hang out today, isn't it?" She nodded once again. I didn't know what came over me, but I went up to Ally and hugged her. She seemed shock but then later wrapped her arms around me.

We stayed like that for a couple seconds, taking in each other's embrace. I broke the hug and held her hands. They were cold, so I took them and put them close to my mouth. I breathed out warm air making her hands warm. I looked at her and smiled. She smiled back.

"You're hands are really cold." I said giving Ally a smile. She chuckled.

"Hey Brayden," she said with a soft tone, "will you miss me when I'm gone?"

"Of course," I replied. "But I have one favor to ask before you leave."

"And that is?"

"Will you go on one last date with me?" I was waiting for her answer, but she pulled me into a hug. "I'm guessing that's a yes then?" I heard her chuckle and once again broke the hug.

"Yes Brayden, I will go on one last date with you." She smiles with that oh-so-beautiful smile she has. I smile back as well. Finally, a day I can tell her what i feel about her.

Ally ~ That Evening

All those memories of our hang out still stayed in my head. I'm now at home ready to go to sleep. I tried sleeping but for some reason couldn't because all I was thinking about was him.

"UGH!" I said to myself. Dang you brain. Stop thinking about him. Oh and you heart as well. Stop making me feel like I'm going to explode. I thought to myself.

I covered myself with my blankets and tried sleeping once again, but I failed. Then I heard my phone buzz. I went over to it and see it's a text. A text from, Brayden? What the heck is he doing texting me at 2 in the morning? I open the app and see what he texted.

Brayden: uh hey Ally. I can't sleep so i decided to text you and you're probs sleeping rn but hey :)

He can't sleep as well? I decide to text him back as well.

Me: hey Brayds. I can't sleep as well :(

He texted back after 5 seconds.

Brayden: oh can i call you??

Me: i guess

After I sent that, my phone started ringing. I quickly answer.

"Hello?" I heard Brayden on the other line.

"Hi." I said smiling. Wow what's up with me smiling today? Eh whatever.

"Oh wow you actually answered. Um, you can't sleep as well?"

"Nope. Tried everything I can to fall asleep." I heard him chuckle a bit.

"Same. I was thinking about you." He blurted out. I then was wondering what I just heard.

"Um what?"

"Uh I meant I was thinking about food. Yeah that." He gave a weary laugh.

"Oh okay then."

"Hey Ally, you want to hear the most amazing story!" Brayden asked. I replied with a simple 'hm'.

"Okay so I'm with the cube members..."

After hearing all of his stories, I didn't realize we have been talking for about 2-3 hours. I loved how he told his stories about the cube and as well as his life. Once Brayden finished one of his cube stories about his uhc experience, I didn't realize I fell asleep listening to them. As I started falling asleep, I heard his voice say these words.

"Good night Ally. Think of me okay? Because I'll be thinking about you."


A/N: AHAAHHAAHHA!!!! I finally updated after like a whole month. But helloo my beautiful readers. Sorry for a short chapter, i just really needed one out rn. That last part is giving me fangirl feelsss. I'm really cheesy so look out for those cheesy parts in here. I love you all. Thank you all for reading as well. See you in the next chapter

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