Day 1 (2/19/24)

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Prompt: Write a story that takes place in a world where gravity doesn't exist.

"Ava! Ava! Ava!! Help me please!!!" My little brother screamed from inside the fiery shed. "I'm coming, Alex!!!" I screamed as I struggled to get out of the police officers's grasp. I'm not losing another sibling, not after Anthony and Alexa. No one else is dying. I'm trying so desperately to break out of the man's grasp. I know what happens next, I've relieved this a million times. But before it happens the scene fades.

"Ava." I said in a singsong voice. She didn't move. "Ava!" I said a bit louder. Still nothing. Ok time for the big guns. "AVA!!" I screamed while shaking her. Suddenly her head snapped up and hit my forehead.

"Gees, Lena. Calm down. I'm up, I'm up." She said rubbing her head and propping herself up on the bed. "Well maybe if you got up on time I wouldn't have to. Now come on we're going to be late." I said walking over to the dresser. I pulled some clothes out of it and threw them at her. "Five minutes tops before we leave without you. Got it?" I said walking out the door. "Uh yeah, yeah I got it." She said getting up and walking to the sheet we have hung up for a makeshift changing room. "Ok see you soon." I replied waking out.

"She is coming out soon??" I asked as I heard Lena emerge from the room. "Yea she gay." Lena snorted walking up next to me. "Are you ok? Ezia?" Lena asked placing a hand on my shoulder. "Yea, just thinking." I said not breaking my gaze from the wall. "Ok well go put on your boots, we need to leave soon." "Mmm...okay sure alright." I mumbled. In truth I don't want to go, the world out there is different. In here it at least looks like home. "That means now, Ezia." Lena added taking her hand off my shoulder and patting my back. "Wuh oh ok I'm going." I said my feet were finally moving.

I struggled to get my hair up in the forever bun and my shoes took forever to get on. At last I got completely ready and walked out of my room to see Lena tying her shoes. "Remember to double not. We don't want another Ezia." "Already done. Speaking of Ezia where and how is she?" I asked leaning against the wall. "I told her to get her shoes on. Also.. she zoned off again Ava." Lena replied gravely. "She still hasn't gotten over what they sent her? She needs to accept it, or it'll bother her for the rest of her life." I said snapaly. "Be nice. It isn't hard to accept that your family decided that you weren't worth saving. You don't know what that's like." Lena remarked forcefully raising her head ever so the tops of her eyes were just barely visible above her silver glasses. "I mean I guess." I murmured while shuffling my feet, looking at the ground not meeting her gaze.

"Ok guy, let's go." I said walking out of my room. Ava's head snapped up at the sound of my voice and Lena stood up giving Ava a terrifying death stare. "What happened between you two?" "What do you mean?" Ava said making her voice overly sweet. "Lena hasn't stopped staring you down Ava." "It's fine Ezia it's getting dark fast we've got to hurry." Lena stated. "Yea, we need to go now." Ava added. "Fine but we're talking about this later. Okay?" I said in a tone that says it's happening whether you like it or not. "Ok, let's go. Everyone got your boots on and strings attached." Ava asked. Lena was the first to reply "Yep" I followed quickly with a mhmm.

No one:
As the girls left the safety of their home. They walked into a desolate landscape stretched out before me like a graveyard of forgotten memories. A once-vibrant earth lay barren and still, cracked and worn like the remnants of a long-forgotten battle. Shards of rusty metal, shattered glass, and crumbling concrete pierced the sky like jagged teeth. As the girls wandered through the wasteland attached to a long string so they wouldn't float away too, fragments of the past began to stir. Tattered photographs, faded newspapers, and yellowed letters drifted upwards, carried by an unseen force. Timeworn books, their pages flapping like bird wings, joined the ascent. Further up, wispy strands of smoke coiled into the air, carrying the whispers of the forgotten. The sky itself seemed to swallow these remnants, as if trying to reclaim them, leaving behind an eerie silence and an ache for what was lost.

Ava, Ezia, and Lena walked through the desolate landscape, attached to a string to prevent them from floating away. Remnants of the past stirred around them - tattered photos, faded newspapers, and yellowed letters drifted upwards, carried by an unseen force. Timeworn books flapped like bird wings, joining the ascent. Wispy strands of smoke coiled into the air, carrying whispers of the forgotten. The sky reclaimed these remnants, leaving an eerie silence and ache for what was lost just floating around, forget about. Like the girls were. Used and forgotten like Lena, discarded and full of memories like Ezia, nobody left to love them like Ava. And they all have one thing in common they were thrown away...

After the ruptured, families were moved to a more stable plant. But these girls couldn't go with them. They were outcast of society. They said Ava let her family die. They said Ezia was worthless, and her family agreed. They said Lena wasn't enough. This place is a place for the unwanted, unnecessary, unneeded things.

We always walked in silence, like we always do. I reflected I was trying to forget. They always say forgive and forget. But how can I forgive him! He was horrible to me. He hurt me in ways I can't go back there. Not now I need to focus. I can't let my mind wander I'll float away. Oops too late.

Suddenly, Lena shrieked as she floated upwards. I whipped around to see her floating up. "Lena!!! Think about the ground!!" I screamed at her. "HELP!!!" Ezia shouted, I turned around to see her also floating up. "EZIA!!!! COME DOWN PLEASE! BOTH OF YOU!!" I pleaded desperately. Suddenly the string tied around my waist tightened as they got higher up. "PLEASE! STOP!!" I cried out. But they kept floating away, lost like the forgotten items. Bring me with them.

There is no use trying anymore. Where all in the air there are no trees to grab onto. Our minds are scattered. We floated away like the lost and forgotten items.

I never got to apologize to Lena... I never did anything right.

No one:
The girls were outcasts, discarded like unwanted things. Ava's family died in a multitude of accidents before the rupture; Ezia was deemed worthless; and Lena wasn't enough. They walked in silence, lost in thought. Soon the girls reached the atmosphere. I think you can guess what happened.


-In honor of hope week
These girls may have had a unhappy ending. But you don't need to. You aren't like them. You aren't forgotten. You are loved, cared for, needed, wanted...

40 days of writing! With @Fashionista8675309Where stories live. Discover now