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I'm really sorry but this story is going on hiatus. Here's a quick explanation about what happened...

So this kind of fell out because I was extremely busy, overwhelmed, overworked, and exhausted. I'll try to keep it up though it is no longer lent. I have the topics so I'm going to try to do one at least once a week. I'm not sure it's going to work but I will try. The stories are not going to be long and probably pretty short. I want to try to finish this because I don't want to take the story down. If it suddenly disappears it's because I can't focus with so many stories not being updated all the time. ADHD does this to me. Or it's just me and my need for everything to be on time and constant.

I have no concept of time (which is why my story updates are so random) so I'm really bad at timing. It's no excuse but it's all I got because I'm in the middle of English class while writing this and I need to get off my phone.


40 days of writing! With @Fashionista8675309Where stories live. Discover now