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four months later

jamie and renee were sitting on the couch in renee's house, watching a movie before they had to leave for the airport, when the doorbell rang.

"the pizzas here, i'll get it since you're half naked." renee teased and pecked jamie on the lips before going to open the door. but when she opened it instead of the pizza guy it was alissa.

"nae i made a mistake baby please take me back." alissa practically begged.

"what the fuck? no." renee laughed.

"please i promise i won't do it again and i know you miss me as much as i miss you." alissa continued.

renee, deciding she was done listening to this, closed the door only to be stopped by alissa pushing it open further and walking inside.

"you need me." alissa grabbed renee's wrist.

"dude you're fucking psycho let go of me." renee tugged but alissa didn't let up.

"you really think people are gonna believe you're gay if you're not dating me." alissa started to squeeze tighter.

"ow! you're hurting me!" renee yelps getting ready to swing with her other hand before alissa was suddenly letting go and looking up. renee turned around already knowing who it was.

there, in a sports bra and boxers, stood jamie with her jaw clenched.

"you have two seconds to leave mate before we have a problem." jamie pulled renee closer to her as she rubbed her wrist.

"is this why you don't want to get back together!? god renee you're such a fucking-" alissa started.

in all honesty there wasn't much renee could've done to prevent what happened next. alissa had already put her hands on her and now she was calling her out her name. and if there was one thing everyone knew about jamie elordi it would be that she does not play about renee rapp.

so in the span of seconds alissa was on the floor clutching a bleeding nose with the 6'2 girl leaning over her. jamie then proceeded to grab alissa by the shirt pick her up and literally throw her out the door onto the lawn. alissa started crawling backwards as jamie walked up to her. she grabbed her by the shirt again and raised her fist.

"jamie." renee said pointedly and jamie stopped in her tracks with a roll of her eyes. she lowered her fist but brought alissa closer.

"if i ever catch you talking to nae or even being in the same bloody vicinity as her ill kill you. now piss off you bloody hoon." jamie shoved the shorter girl backwards and she runs to her car and speeds away.

and only then did jamie and renee notice the pizza guy standing there. jamie turned to him with a smile.

"thanks mate!" jamie grabbed the pizza and walked back into the house. renee grabbed jamie's hand to look over it for injuries. they were a little red with some scratches but nothing too bad.

"i told you not to do anything idiot." renee slapped jamie upside the head making jamie pout and rub the spot.

"nuh uh don't make that face at me. if i know alissa, and i do, she'll turn it into this big mess and it's bad publicity." renee says before grabbing the pizza and walking back to the couch.

"it'll be 'right honey. i'll just post something on my story before she gets the chance. but for now we have a movie to watch and a plane to catch." jamie, unbothered, pecks renee on the head and settles in.

7 hours later

renee is in their hotel room halfway across the world, lucky number room 505. jamie was out at the ice machine. renee's jaw was clenched as her fingers worked in and out of her. she was so lost in her pleasure she didn't hear jamie enter the room. jamie stood stock still as renee worked herself. She smiled and kissed her teeth alerting the blonde of her presence.

𝙚𝙭𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚, renee rappWhere stories live. Discover now