03. Since When Were You Dead?

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Where once you beamed with love, all that the contents of this book reminded you of were worse times. The leather peeled ever so slightly away from its rim, while its pages themselves were brittle with age. Each image brought you to a different point in your life, each a reminder of the distorted smiles inked onto the surface.

With more care than you'd ever admit, you placed the stockpile of long forgotten memories in the depths of your empty dresser. It would be a long while before you'd muster enough courage to dare looking in that book again.

You turned to the window on the other end of your room. Gripping the burgundy fabric for just a moment, you soon threw the curtains open to reveal the ghastly sight you'd grown so accustomed to. Unforgiving red skies as far as a sinner could see, plumes of smoke rising from the ones who didn't have anything better to do than feed their addictions, the painfully familiar stench of death.

This was what you were subjected to. This was what you and all the ones below deserved. This was the eternal torture you'd relive over and over again to repay for your sins. This was hell.

For a moment, a bright red firework erupted in the midst of the terror, making you smile at the thought of Charlie still having hope. Though immediately, you grimaced at the lowly sights beneath your balcony. The streets were so bloody they might as well have been mistaken for the sky. Rather than rejoicing for their survival, the sinners below were continuing the wrath through cigarettes and fallen spears. Turning to the towering clock, you watched tentatively as the calendar below its face rewound to "Next Cleanse: 365 Days."

Sooner or later, you found yourself at the hotel lobby next to a hyperventilating mess. "Wha-what if they don't like it? If they don't listen! Oh no, WHAT IF THEY DON'T LIKE RAINBOWS?!"

"Charlie! Calm down," Vaggie told the poor girl, rubbing her back.

"I'm sure you'll do wonderfully, any sinner would rejoice at the chance to get out of here!" You reassured. Vaggie glared at you and you realized what you said wrong, "—humanly, of course... they don't want to be killed—I mean..."

Charlie wiped her tears and got up with a smile, "You're right!" She wrapped the both of you in a death grip of a hug, "I don't know what I'd do without you guys," she whispered, almost on the verge of crying again—this time out of happiness.

"Well, we must get going to the studio," you pointed out.

"How about we walk there?" Charlie asked.

Vaggie immediately recoiled at the idea of poor precious Charlie traversing hell, "I don't know if that's a good idea! The turf wars are raging and the streets are covered with—" she stopped before making Charlie feel bad about her own people.

"Vaggie's right. We need to plan before accidentally making a horrid impression because of a misstep that had nothing to do with the hotel."

You didn't know what you said that made Charlie grin like a toddler on Christmas, but she responded with a giddy, "Could you shadow-travel us!" Ah, yes, shadow-traveling that's what the two had dubbed your magic. They never questioned where it came from, no, Charlie just knew it was fun.

"Well..." Charlie had stars in her eyes, you couldn't let go the chance to make her happy, "Alright, but we'll have to stop between buildings, you know I can't do three people that far—"

"Yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" You giggled at her enthusiasm. Taking a hold of both of the girls' hands, you took a deep breath and sped threw the streets. Nearly invisible save for the fact that you'd all left as shadows. You turned to the edge of a wall before shifting back into your usual self. "That was amazing!" Charlie squealed.

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