Chapter 1 Backstory

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"Oh come on please?" Said 5 year old Darling Charming, sister to Daring Charming and twin sister of Dexter Charming. Darling didn't want to be the princess waiting to be rescued, she wanted to be out on the battle field with her brothers.

"For the last time no," said Daring in a quite whiny voice "we need a princess to rescue and Dexter said he wouldn't do it." Daring said leaning on his plastic sword, squishing his cheek.

"Sorry Darling," Dexter said in a kind voice and sad eyes, "but last time we played you were in piano lessons and Daring made me wear one of your dresses, how do you wear them?" Dexter asked dramatically falling to his knees.

"I don't like them either," Darling grabbed the bottom of her very puffy dress and ripped it of revealing blue jeans and a blue shirt with a gold sword on it.

"Is that my pajama shirt?" asked Daring accusingly.

"Well I only have dresses," Darling said looking down.

"I'm sorry Darling but you can't be a knight," Daring said putting his chin up grabbing Dexter and pulling him away.


Darling was pulling her hair up when she heard a knock on her door.

"Come in!" Darling yelled.

Dexter walked in. "Hey."

"Oh hey." Darling looked back in her mirror with a glum look.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Dexter asked, putting his hand on her knee comfortingly. This was the semester that she was going to sign up for Hero and Beast training, and she was nervous.

"Nothing, but you've got your own demons to tackle."

Dexter raised an eyebrow.

Darling grinned and nudged him with her shoulder. "Your big date with Raven."

"Aaah!" Dexter's head fell into his hands and he pulled off his glasses. "Don't remind me, oh gort what have I DONE? Daring's been giving me pointers, but..." He shuddered. "I don't think they're working."

Darling smiled. "I'll help you before I go register. I think I would do a much better job than Daring."

Dexter put his glasses back on and smiled. "Thanks. You're sure you're okay?"

Darling sighed and nodded. She looked into the mirror at her and her brother, she looked more like Daring then Dexter. Even though they're twins they look nothing alike, except for the eyes. She and her brother have vibrant blue eyes. They were some of the only kids in school with THAT blue of eyes.

"So, is there a reason you came in? Or just to you know say hi or..." Darling asked starting on her make-up.

"Yeah mom and dad wanted me to help you with your way around the school since you know, your new here." Dexter replied pushing up the bridge of his glasses onto his nose.

"Oh, thanks but I am having, um," she didn't want Dexter to know about her signing up for Hero and Beast training "Raven show me around." Darling flashed a quick smile and continued doing her make-up. Ugh, lying to my own brother, nice. Darling had never even met Raven but Dexter talked a lot about her and she was the only person she knew the name of.

"Oh," Dexter's eyes looked down slightly at her desk "when is she going to come talk to you?" Dexter said looking at his lap.

Why did I have to say Raven "Umm, and her friends, like all of her friends are going too." She said as she looked around the room nervously.

"Uh-uh, and Maddie will be there?" Dexter asked raising an eyebrow


"And Cerise and Cedar?" Dexter asked

"Of course."

"And definitely Briar right?" Dexter asked with a sly grin

"Yeah." Darling let out a nervous chuckle

"Wrong, what's the truth?" Dexter asked

"I...uh, want," Darling sighed "okay, I want to sign up for Hero and Beast training. And I didn't want anyone to know, especially Daring." Darling said sighing "He wouldn't even let me play knights with you guys, let alone train to be a hero." It felt good to get that of her chest.

"Hero and Beast training? Are you insane?!?!?" Dexter said making crazy hand gestures.

"Calm down, I'm not signing up for a war or anything, just hero training." Darling said defensively also making crazy hand gestures.

"Same thing!!" Dexter yelled with his insane eyes "Sometimes DARING can't even do it!!!!" Dexter continued yelling.

"Calm down." Darling said holding her hands up defensively.

"Okay," Dexter said quieter but urgency still in his voice "Listen, I appreciate than you want to do this, that pretty cool but, it might be too hard for you, please don't hurt me!!" Dexter said holding his hands up in the same defensive position.

"I'd guess I'll reconsider." Darling said putting her hands in her lap, and there was no way she was reconsidering.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2015 ⏰

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