chapter 05

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The next day

jk, yunki, hopi, and kim brothers arrived at heaven resto. heard the door bell

Taemin:welcome to heaven resto.

Jk went to Taemin

Jk:hello Mr. Lee

Taemin:oho, hello Mr. jeon

Jk:please call me jk

Taemin:then you have to call me Hyeong not Mr. lee

Jk:ok Hyeong.

Taemin:go and sit with others, someone will be them to take your order

Jk:ok Hyeong. Jk had gone to his brothers. Hats when Hal abeoji came there.

Hal abeoji: hello, What should to drink before food?

they ordered the drink they want. Suddenly they heard someone laughing. They all looked there. Everyone was stunned to see Jimins eye smile. None of them had never seen Jimin laugh like this. Jk thought how beautiful to see him. Then jk looks at his bros, everyone looking at Jimin so he coughed to bring their attentions back. by then min ho came with the drinks they order. The he went to the kitchen after taking the food order for jk and his bros.

Taemin:min havent you seen jeon boy and his bros?

Jimin:yah I saw them

taemin:then why dont you talk to them?

Jimin:ok lets talk to them

He went to them. All spoke to him, except one person

Joon: Jimin really this is heaven.

Tae:and you are the angel Everyone burst out laughing.

Jk keeps looking at Taemin time to time. He slowly got up from his seat and went to Taemin.

Jk:Hyeong. he called out shyly

Taemin:what happened jk

Jk: I. want

Taemin knows what he wants but he wants to play a little with jk

Taemin: you want what jk

Jk: nothing he turn to go where his bros, but Taemin called him

Taemin:oi jk, do you want to see picture of your future baby?

Jk nodded happily

jk: yesyes

Taemin:see the pictures on the wall.


He looked around and saw a wall full of a cute babys pictures. His eyes lit up when he saw those pictures. He excitedly started photographing the pictures on his phone. He felt very happy. Then he felt someone behind him. He looked back

Jimin:what are you doing jeon?

Jk:please dont tell me to delete this. pretty please

Jimin:do you like me that much?

Jk: what!!!!!! He asked out loud

Jimin: come with me they went to Jimins room. Jk felt very warm, when they entered in to Jimins room. That room is well organized and painted with light blue paint.

Jimin:now tell me do you like me?

Jk:no. Jimin felt his heart break as he heard jks replay

Jk:I dont like you! I love you

Jimin:what. he asked in surprise.

Jk:you know I dated a girl before. I loved her. thats why I am not interested in any relationship. But you, in the beginning I didnt know why heart was running when I saw you, and when I saw you with Taemin Hyeong, I realized that I love you.

Jimin:I dated a girl too

Jk:I know, but now you are single so dont seems any problem.

Jimin: that not I mean, I mean I dont like boys I only like girls. But like you said I felt something towards you. I dont know what to call that feeling?

Jk:then what about we find out together?

Jimin:will you promise me you dont play with my feelings?

Jk:I promise that never ever going to do something that hurt my baby.

Jimin:ok then lets try he said shyly


They happily returned to their people

Yunki:what happened you seems very happy?

Jk:he looked at Jimin who was talking to Taemin and shyly said. Something good happened.

Jin:clapped his hands and said I knew it, I knew it this is going to be happened.

Hopi:what happened asked in shock

Joon:nothing, one more person is coming to our family.

Tae:really is jimin said YES to you?

Jk nodded his head. everyone felt happy for jk.

Jk went jimin




Jimin:he chuckled its ok you can call me min.

Jk:really, then I am going to call you baby min.


Jk:yes baby min.

Jimin: ?

Jk:if... if I asking you on a date will you. will you come with me.?

Jimin:a date. I will think about it.

Jk:baby please. please


Jk:wow... at that time jk got a phone call from his mother

In phone call

Mrs jeon:kookie, where are you?

Jk:in thought:begging to your feature son-in-law with bros in a resto

Mrs jeon:didnt I say that I will go to a party with your appa, and you should come there too.

Jk:is it important?

Mrs jeon:yes, it is

Jk:then ok I will be there.

Jk hang up the call and went to jimin

Jk:baby tomorrow 7 pm be ready for our first date ok

Jimin:ok Jimins face turned red when jk call him baby. Jimin lowered his face so that jk wouldnt see it. But he failed miserably. Jk saw Jimins red face and felt very proud. His baby blushes because of him.

Jk:ohhhh my god you will surely kill me with this cuteness. But sorry baby I have to go sorry.

Jimin:ok bye. See you tomorrow

Then everyone said bye

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