Chapter 8 : different types of flavours

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"To upgrade the meeting to a fun time a bit, we're talking maybe abt some flavours snacks or something" --Vess

"Ah ok sounds good to me" --Theodore

"Let's do I wanna join too and Mom and Verleon and Venice!!!" --Alan

"So... abt the Sekai Afred said he wants to more food flavours for their customers at least it's not a party" --Vess

"Yeah.. let's think abt our favourite flavours like-..." --Linh

"Let's start with cup noodles first" --Verleon

"Cup noodles, huh? Well it's puricable to say this but maybe me and Venice both have the same taste of flavour, we both like curry noodles 🍜" --Theodore

"Even though I like Pho, I might go on with tomatoes or barbecue ones there're kinda sweet and salty a bit" --Linh

"Oooooh nice taste you have Linh but I prefer the sour cream one [spring onion] as a Belarusian I would still like to try and like your Asian food stuff to with Theodore and the rest of the others" --Venice

"Why thx guys anyway abt cup noodles I know you like curry but I like the chili tomatoes flavour kinda reminds me of those fast food sweet ketchup ones" --Linh

"For ramen and Mamee <idk why the creator upgrade Mamee in this country> its maybe bbq" --Venice

"I like seaweed, I like seaweed, I like seaweed, I like seaweed, I like seaweed" --Alan

"Ok I get we know you like seafood flavour" --Verleon

"What abt you then Verleon?" --Theodore

"Idk my own flavour taste but I am jot good at the spice ones bc I couldn't handle it but i-i- I do prefer chicken  flavour and crab 🦀" --Verleon

"You wanna know mine?" --Vess

"Mine is the TomYam one, and ofc I can also handle spice even better, tbh Tom Yam is actually a great thing for a cup too I'll get you some to for you to try some" --Vess

"How in the world are you more brave than us I mean you can handle that...? How tho?" Theodore

"You're lucky my taste of flavour is not that strong for the world spiciest one I've tried that and no... never try again but Tom Yam it may be the same but the soup makes it kinda taste better" --Vess
Vess comes back with 5 other Tom Yam cup noodles for her members yo try it out.

"I am back~ wanna try some I've brought 5 for us Alan could be maybe a little bit older to try that" --Vess

"I think I am in for that" --Linh

*after eating in a half row of cup noodles*

"So how's the taste then is it good? Is it bad?" --Vess

"It's very spicy can't handle it a bit" --Linh

"We're fine I guess but yeah... it's spicier than the ones we ate" --Venice

"I agree with Venice... I also need yo ho get some water too be right back" --Theodore

"............ GOD.. ITS HOT!!!" --Verleon

"I'll go get some water aswell *runs to get some water with Theodore*" --Verleon

"At least I didn't get to try *smiles*" --Alan

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