Chapter Two

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<Dallas POV>

We pulled up to this club and it was dumb packed. Like we could barely get a parking spot. Luckily somebody was coming out so we just zoomed right in to their spot before the other cars and get it. I must say my cousin is not too shabby when it comes to driving.

"Damn it's deep in here. How you find out about this place" Wren said looked at the building.

"& how we getting past the line?" I said looking at this like that's wrapped all the way down the street.

"I have a homegirl in there who hooked us up. Let's go our names should already be on the VIP List." & she was right. We walked right on up to the bouncer and he let us right on through. Pretty sure the people standing outside weren't too happy about that. Since we were VIP we already had a section waiting for us.

"Hey i'm about to go to the bar do anybody want anything?" Wren said standing up.

We all said hot wings and she left just as Amara's friend was pulling up with Don Julio and 1800 bottles. We all started getting hype. I definitely need this to get me loose. Crazy thing is im surprised my cousin wanted to come neither of us are into the club life.

After taking many shots of liquor and filling our stomachs with club wings, Wren and Mara were dancing on us having a good ole time when I see Tyler's boyfriend pull up to the spot with his friends. One of which is Mara's on again off again dude. I don't know him personally but she has told me many stories and showed me pictures.

"Hey babe." Ty kissed her boo Zion and sat on his lap as he grabbed one of her wings. "Who are you?" This tall lightskin dude asked me. I frowned up so quick because um sir lol.. Who are you??

"Um who are you? You did come to my section.." I said sitting down not really acknowledging his rudeness. "My bad ma I didn't mean to come off rude or offend anyone. I'm Khalil. & you are" He said putting out his hand.

"You was a lil rude" Wren mumbled as she sipped on her shot of tequila. I laughed at her and said "Dallas but some people call me D" I shook his hand and then continued to eat my wings.

"That's a pretty name Dallas. I hope in the future we can become friends" He said nicer this time.

"I don't have friends but hopefully we can be Khalil" I said making direct eye contact and then looking away. We both got quiet and started watching the other girls dance then Ty and Zion who we call Wanum started dancing a little after they brought out the hookah.

Slowly but surely everyone started going off to dance and it was only me and Khalil left. "So Dallas-" He was cut off by this fineee man coming up to me.

"I don't mean to be rude if this is ya mans but you look really nice. May I have your number, I'm Jacob but everyone calls me Jay."

I smiled and said "Nice to meet you Jay i'm Dallas"

"I know I was eaves dropping earlier when you came in. Ya girls kept saying your name over. I was waiting on the perfect opportunity to come over." He said smiling and fixing his clothes. Aww that's cute he looks nerves. Khalil looks annoyed.

"And you thought the perfect opportunity was when she was alone with another dude" He said while rolling his eyes.

"I don't mean to intrude seriously. My bad if i'm over stepping." He said about to leave. "Oh no you're not overstepping. Um I don't usually give out my number so can you put your number in my phone and i'll text you?"

"Sure we do that. As long as you're comfortable." I smiled and handed him my phone which he took and put his number in. He said his goodbyes and headed out the section. Andddd here comes the girls.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 16 ⏰

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