Pungent Delight Intro

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Introduction to Pungent Delight and the characters

Pungent Delight tells about a "touching" story of two people who both have smegma-fetish and several other quirky fetishes. Plunge in and immerse yourself in Pungent Delight...and feel the force of smegma take over you. Pungent Delight is a story to not only learn about the funky odours of smegma and other bodily fluids, but also to increase scientific vocabulary in a fun, yet educational way, while providing an interesting story for those who are hopeless romantics and enjoy indulging in romance and smegma.

Areola Vas Deferens:

Areola is a 15 year old girl who was named after the dark, tender ring encircling the nipple. She is very sensitive, in terms of her personality and the sensitivity of her areolas. Not only is her personality perky, but so are her nipples. She is said to have a well rounded personality...and well rounded areolas on well rounded mammaries. 

Benign Frenulum:

Strangely, Benign is a 25 year old man who was named after the non-cancerous lumps in womens' breasts. Like the benign of a girl hitting puberty, he looks rather tough, and on the surface, he is tough and feels like a handful of hard benign of a pubescent female. But just like the benign of a girl through puberty, he is very sensitive on the inside, and is easily hurt.

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