Chapter 7

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When I woke up the next morning, it took me a moment to remember what had happened the night before. I smiled to myself as I reached for my phone. I had three text messages that I had received while I was asleep. The first one was from my mom.

I'm going to the store later. Do you want anything?

I didn't text back, but marked it as read. The next one was from Tanner.

Yo, girl. You never texted me back. What happened last night between you, and Luke?

I texted back.

Come over later, and I'll tell you everything that happened.

The third message was from Luke. I smiled as I read when he wrote.

Hey Elena. I was wondering if you wanted to go somewhere this weekend. We're still here for another week.

I'd love to. We could walk around the city, and I can show you all the cool places.

Sounds perfect. I'll pick you up at your house at 5 on Friday?

Yeah. That would be rad.

Haha. Okay. I'll talk to you soon El.

Talk to you soon. 

I still cannot believe that Luke Hemmings himself wants to hang out with me. I'm literally this band addicted potato who writes fanfiction. I don't think I'm that interesting. And did I just compare myself to a potato? Whatever, it suits me. I'm a potato.

I sat up, and walked into my bathroom. Tanner texted me back.

When's a good timeI'm not doing anything today so I can come whenever.

Now's good.

'Kay. I'll be over in 10.

Okay, see ya soon girlie.

I placed my phone on the counter, and brushed my teeth. I brushed my hair, and picked up my phone, heading back into my bedroom.
I changed out of my pajamas into a pair of black leggings, and a muscle tee that I made from one of my dad's old AC DC shirts that he gave to me. I put my hair up into a bun using an elastic that was sitting ontop of my dresser, and went downstairs to find my mom. She was in the kitchen, getting ready to leave.
"Hey mom," I said.
"Hey, honey. What's up?" Mom asked.
"Luke wants to hang out on Friday."
"The Luke from last night? The one in the band?"
I nodded.
"Isn't he on tour right now?"
"Yeah, but they're here for the next week."
"It's okay with me if you two hang out. But I want to meet him."
There was a knock on the front door, and I went to go open it. " It's Tanner," I told mom.
I opened the door, and Tanner stepped inside.
"Hey, Tanner," Mom said," Do you girls want to come with me to the store?"
"Sure," Tanner said," If Elena wants to go."
"I'll go. I just have to put shoes on."
I ran upstairs, slipping on a pair of sandals, grabbed my phone, and headed back downstairs.
"Okay, let's go."

Mom, Tanner, and I got into the car.
"Mom, can we stop to get hash browns at McDonald's?" I ask, buckling my seat belt.
"We can stop there," Mom said," and I can get a coffee."
I turned on the radio as mom backed out of the driveway. Green Day was playing, I turned up the volume. Tanner, and I both sang along to 'Boulevard Of Broken Dreams', belting the words loudly, annoying my mother.
Mom pulled into McDonald's parking lot, and shut off the engine to the car.
"Okay you rebellious teenagers, let's go inside," Mom said, putting her purse over her shoulder.
Tanner, and I followed my mom inside, standing behind her as we approached the counter to order.
"How can I help you today?" Greeted a not so pleased looking brunette employee.
"Can I get a large coffee with extra cream, and sugar?"
"Okay. Anything else?"
"All the hash browns!" I said enthusiastically.
"And two hash browns," Mom sighed.
We took our hash browns back to the car, and ate as my mom drove us to the store

Mom got a shopping cart, and the three of us headed inside.
"Okay, you need  to tell me when happened with you, and Luke last night," Tanner said, as we followed my mom to the grocery section of the store.
"Okay. So, at the end of the concert, like half an hour after you left, Luke sang 'Dahlila'," I start.
"How was that for you?"
"I died."
Tanner laughed a little," Okay what happened after that?"
"Well, after the concert ended, I kinda hung back from the line for the meet, and greet."
" 'Cause you wanted to be last?"
"That, and you know how I am with crowds. So I hung back, and finally got in line when it was like three fourths shorter than what it was at the beginning."
"Okay, get to the good part, girl," Tanner said.
"Okay, okay. So I finally get up to the band, and tell Ash, Cal, and Michael about how much I love the band, and they sign my CD, and yours, which I still need to give you, and I get to Luke," I pause for a second before continuing," He was like 'You're the one who wrote that fanfic."
Tanner's expression we shocked, but changed to excitement." Ohmygod, he recognized you!"
"I know. I was so shocked, and I told him about how I started writing fanfics, and how the band was an inspiration to me. And we got to talking, like casually talking until the boys had to leave the venue."
"Is that all?"
"No. Tanner, he asked me if I wanted to go somewhere to continue talking," I said, smiling widely.
"Whaaat? Dang, El, you're one lucky ass bitch."
"I'm still shocked about it. And ohmygod, he asked me if I wanted to hang out on Friday."
"He what?"
"I know."
"You're going to, right?"
"Of course. It's Luke Hemmings!"
"God, Elena. Your fanfics are coming true."

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