Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Cassidy, Mayumi and Richard were sitting on a plane ride to Osaka Japan, Mayumi had already fallen asleep with her head resting on Cassidys shoulder, he himself was trying his best to stay awake as he didn't want to slip back into the same nightmare again.

After a few hours they finally touched down at their airport, Cassidy nudged Mayumi awake.

Cassidy "Wakey wakey earth quakey!"


She bounded out her seat and accidentally hit her head, Cassidy laughed as she frowned at him.

Mayumi "Not funny"

Cassidy "It is a little bit"

All three of them got off the plane to make their way through the airport and to where their Taxi was booked.

Mayumi "You're really splurging on this trip aren't you?"

Richard "This is a big event for all of us, so why not huh?"

Cassidy shrugged as all three of them got into the taxi, it was a few hour drive to Osaka until they eventually got to their location.

The taxi ride was quite chill with the exception of Richard wanting to get out at every stop and take pictures of every little tourist attraction he saw, Mayumi herself felt almost resentful of being in her home country, she was only really there to support Cassidy.

Cassidy himself was feeling somewhat anxious about being in a deathmatch, he was aware of how dangerous they were, in the end he was just hoping to survive.

After getting out of their Taxi they walked a few minutes towards the arena as the taxi dropped their luggage off at the hotel, Cassidy looked up at the Japan Dome with his heart pounding.

Mayumi "I remember having my first match here, it was against Satoshi Kaneki, despite it not being a street fight it was pretty brutal"

Cassidy "I remember you showing me that match, you were only 18 then right?"

Mayumi "Mhmm, by then my body was used to the pain however, I can thank Matsuda for that"

She walked in the arena leaving Cassidy standing there taking a deep breath before he too entered aswell.


Cassidy had gotten changed backstage into his Carnage outfit, he hadn't seen his opponent yet so he didn't have anything to base a gameplan on.

It was at that time a female employee came backstage to tell him what would be happening on the show.

Female Employee "Kon'nichiwa, Oranda-san! Kon'ya no yotei o kiku junbi wa dekite imasu ka?"

Carnage "I'm sorry?"

Mayumi "Haha... don't worry I got this"

Mayumi then began to communicate with the employee in Japanese.

Mayumi "Watashi no kareshi ni wa mōshiwakearimasenga, kare wa amari nihongo o shirimasen. Tonikaku, kon'ya no yotei wa nanidesu ka?"

Female Employee "Keiei-jin wa kare ni, jissai no shiai no mae ni taisen aite to no puromōshonbatoru de hajimari, sonogo, kare ga shiai ni shōri suru koto o nozonde imasu"

Mayumi "Naruhodo, arigatō! Kare ni subete o hanashimasu!"

Mayumi bowed as the Female Employee waved and walked away.

Carnage "So what do I have to do?"

Mayumi "They want you to have a promo battle against your opponent before then winning"

Carnage "I see"

Mayumi gave him a kiss good luck as he walked towards the curtain.

Carnage "Let there be Carnage"


The Crowd was roaring as Carnage proceeded to make his entrance into the main ring, although most of the roaring seemed to be booing whilst some were cheering him.

He finally made it in the ring and awaited for who he was gonna fight, the music hit and a man walked out, this was Konosuke Harumi, the hometown hero of Osaka Japan in the wrestling scene, the crowd roared even louder this time cheering for Konsosuke as more people started to boo for Carnage.

As Konosuke entered the ring he grabbed a microphone and looked towards the crowd.


The Crowd roared with cheers.

Konosuke "Tonight we have a Barbed Wire Exploding Death Match with me taking on C.U.Ws Carnage!"

The Crowd started to boo Carnage as he grabbed his own mic.

Konosuke "As the champion of the people I say this to you, I may respect you Tonight as a worthy opponent but make no mistake, I will kick your ass tonight, isn't that right everyone!?"

The entire crowd cheered.

Carnage "Funny, the way you come out here, you cheer to the crowd and you put on a fake smile as you pander and pander and pander, it's just all so funny to me"

Carnage "Unlike you I don't need to put on a fake face and pretend to be someone else, I know who I am deep down, I'm what you see in your nightmare as you go to sleep at night, I'm the demon in your dreams, I... am Carnage"

Carnage "(I could've done that much better)"

The bell rang and the timer rang on the titantron as it started to count down.

An Exploding Barbed Wire death is simple in its execution, Three sides of the ring ropes will be covered in barbed wire. Contact with the barbed wire will trigger explosives on the corresponding side that is hit, The match will be on a 30-minute countdown timer and when that expires, all explosives in and around the ring will detonate at once for a finale explosion.

Carnage locked up with Konsosuke as they grappled for control over the other, Carnage grabbed Konosuke in a headlock and they both went onto the ground, Konosuke stood up and grabbed Carnage into a powerbomb before proceeding to slam him into the ropes which caused Carnage to get electrified.

Carnage threw Konosuke into the barbed wire as he proceeded to get electrocuted.


Carnage and Konsosuke proceeded to batter each other with blow after blow after blow as they continued to punch each other in the head.


Both men were now bleeding as Carnages mask was torn up as his face was bloody, both also had electricity burns on them, Konosuke grabbed Carnage and lifted him up into a gorilla press slam and threw him to the ground, Carnage coughed up blood as he irish whipped Konosuke into the ropes as he rebounded off and was hit by Carnages dropkick.


Carnage and Konsosuke were both drained as 5 minutes remained, they exhanged a few holds and grapples.


The ring was about to explode as Carnage knew what he had to do, as the seconds proceeded to count down to 5, he grabbed Konsosuke and hit him with the Reverse Lifting STO and slammed him to the ground, Carnage pinned him




And the ring cannisters exploded around them, Carnage got up to his feet and ripped off the tattered mask remains off his face.

Carnage "Well that was, definitely something"


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