Chapter 14 - Believe Me

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[Hey, Chlo. How's Spaghetti?]

I hit the send button, sipping my freshly brewed coffee with satisfaction. Elliot's machine is a state-of-the-art marvel, one that I could only afford in my wildest dreams, so I waste no opportunity to take advantage of it. However, I do miss my house, something I never thought possible, considering I'm staying in what today's society might describe as a distinguished palace.

But this apartment lacks warmth. It doesn't feel like a home; everything is too perfect, too spotless, too impersonal. The only space that has Elliot's touch is his disturbing museum of collectible figurines, which has been closed since he showed it to me. And I'm not complaining; it's not like I'm eager to revisit it, but the rest of this place is so cold it makes me question how anyone could live here for so long without going crazy or developing an aggressive obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Huh, maybe that's exactly what Elliot has. He hasn't manifested it, at least that I've noticed, but I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case due to his peculiar personality and mysterious behavior. My phone screen lights up and I rush to check Chloe's response, grateful that she's offering me a distraction from my mental rantings, which have been increasing these past few days and I don't know if I should be worried about it, or... relieved that I'm not.

@   Chlo: [Why do you ask first about Spaghetti? What about me? Don't you care about me anymore? You are so ingrate.]

[I'm responsible for the welfare of a domesticated creature, Chlo. Of course, I'm more interested in her since, unlike you, Spaghetti can't take care of herself.]

@   Chlo: [Excuses, excuses. But if you must know, the little demon is really enjoying her stay with me.]

[Little demon? What happened?]

@   Chlo: [She is perverse! I can't leave her alone for a moment because she destroys everything she touches. Yesterday I had to bury one of my gardenias because she had the brilliant idea of using it as a chew toy. She also shredded the orange dress I wore for your parents' birthday. She's so evil!]

[But didn't you hate that dress?]

@   Chlo: [That's irrelevant, Ashton. The root of the matter is that she's doing it on purpose. I think it's because I've refused to show her Henry-delicious-Cavill.]

[*gasps* How dare you? You're the evil one. You can't forbid her that; it's against the rules. Henry belongs to everyone. Spaghetti has the right to seek bloody revenge.]

@   Chlo: [I did it as a punishment, I didn't know she could be so spiteful!]

[Make peace and give Henry back to her, Chlo.]

@   Chlo: [Fine, but the next time I have to take care of her, I'll lock her in her carrier when I leave for work. It's her fault for hurting my feelings and betraying my trust.]

[Okay, I accept that condition, and I'm sorry for the death of your gardenia. I'll pay you for the damages.]

@   Chlo: [What about my dress?]

[You hated that dress! Besides, you're super talented. I'm sure you can make another outfit with the pieces.]

@   Chlo: [You're lucky I love compliments. And I don't want your money, I want your affection, preferably in the form of a box of chocolates or a pumpkin pie *wink, wink*.]

[I understood your subtle hint and will add the reminder. I'll be back tomorrow night; try to keep the peace until then.]

@   Chlo: [No, no, no. You're not going to say goodbye like that, Ashton. You can't leave me with this uncertainty.]

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