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He knocks on the front door of his dandy, new client.

He hasn't exactly had a break from his last job when Yeonjun called him a week ago with an offer to for another. One of the scientists at Frost Lab. The pay would be double, and according to Yeonjun it's just protocol, so there is not much action. A chill job to kill the time.

Kai needed that. Not to say he doesn't like his job, but being a bodyguard has its pros and cons. One of the cons being that it's intense, and energy consuming.

So, when Yeonjun promised him this time it'll be easier, he chose to believe him and take it.

Right now, though, he started questioning it.

"Yes?" a voice answers from the other side of the door.

Kai clears his throat. "Umm... I'm Huening Kai. Your company sent me, the new bodyguard?" He sounded a bit unsure. The client not opening the door made him question if he was at the right address.

The lock rattles and the front door opens a jar, only a nest of brown hair and two crazed eyes framed by thick black glasses peeking outside. Kai steps back without realizing.

His client eyes dart in every direction, he then stares at Kai. "Hello." He provides a stiff welcome.

Kai shifts awkwardly at his place, waiting to be let in. "Kang Taehyun is it?" He tries plastering a smile to make the mood less suffocating. He takes out the business card of the company he works at, handing it over to this Taehyun person. "See? I'm here as your live-in Bodyguard."

His client looks at the card for about half a second before murmuring "yeah, no thanks." and slams the door shut.

Kai stands outside, baffled. So baffled in fact, that it takes him a few minutes to knock on the door again. "I hate to be a bother." he says loudly enough for the client inside to hear. "I've been hired by your lab to protect you..."

No answer.

Kai sighs.

"I'm legally not allowed to leave." he adds. "So... "

He takes a seat at one of the porch's steps, not all understanding what the guy's problem is. Is he rejecting his service? Should he call the lab to debrief them?

He ends up calling Yeonjun.

"Hey man, how was the ride to Ansan?"

"Splendid." Kai answers shortly. "Care to tell me why my client is refusing to open the door? I'm seating on his porch like a loser."

Yeonjun laughs awkwardly. "don't hate me, okay?" he says.

"Hyung." Kai grits his teeth. "What did you do?"

"no one was willing to take this job, and his last couple of guard quit... the lab was pushing me to find someone else and then I thought! Talented, wonderful, our amazing Kai will be perfect for this job so I kind of... twisted a few details here and there about Kang Taehyun." Yeonjun rambles, feeling Kai anger through the phone, he Panics. "he's really not that bad Kai-"

Kai hung up the phone, conflicted. Technically, he can quit like the ones before him and take a vacation like planned. But he has yet to quit in the middle of a job and he's not about to start now.

If Kang Taehyun won't open the door, then he will just stand outside...


For 3 whole months.


The porch's lights turn off at exactly midnight. To which Kai mutters a bitter "great."

It's pitch black and Kai is entertaining himself by replaying his favorite movie scene in his head and reciting the monologs from die hard.

The weather is getting chilly, so he fishes a jacket from one of his unpacked luggage and puts it on his uniform.

The view from the house is quite pretty, although visibly neglected. The garden, while big and filled with flowers, is overgrown with grass and is more yellow than green. The wood fence around it has some planks broken and the paint chipped and old.

He wonders why his client hasn't been taking care of his house. But then again, as he stood outside since his arrival, Kang Taehyun hasn't stepped outside once. Kai hasn't even heard him move around the apartment.

Just as he thinks that he hears grunts and a thud from the house. Alert, he quickly stands up, knocking on the door. "Hey! You okay in there?"

A few more muffled sounds come from the house, worrying him. He knocks again, this time hearing silent footsteps.

A series of locks open and the man who is Kang Taehyun opens the door, again, only a jar. Sticking his sleep induced eyes and disheveled hair outside.

"I heard some noises." Kai explains. "Is everything okay?"

"I didn't hear a thing." Taehyun answers, closing the door.

"Wait!" Kai slips his hand in before the other can shut the door. "I definitely heard something... "

Taehyun clears his throat, an uneasy expression on his face. "must've been the wind then. Goodnight."

Kai's hand does not budge. "it's pretty cold outside you know." he hints.

No response. God, this guy really is senseless.

Kai moves his hand, opting to sleep on the steps if Taehyun is so adamant on it. Only a second later the door opens again giving him some hope.

But Taehyun throws outside a pillow and a blanket and shuts the door again without a word.

"Wow... seriously?" Kai is between awed and utterly annoyed. He picks the blanket off the floor, cursing Yeonjun in his heart for giving him one of the worst jobs he's had so far.

He handled rude before, and angry, and annoying.

He hasn't encountered any clients like Kang Taehyun before.

This will be an interesting 3 months.


author's note.

so I'm back with a brand new story idea. bodyguard huening kai and mildly crazy scintist Kang taehyun.

this will be shorter than my last books, around 40 K words.... ?

anyways, let me know if you like it so far!  

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