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At exactly 19:00, when Kai was halfway into doing the macarena dance for the 14th time (he thought standing still would be a lot more interesting if he could hear what Taehyun and his Lab partner were talking about and hopeful provide him insight on what his client does for a living and why in the world he's so passionate about it. To his demise, the rooms were perfectly and annoyingly soundproof.) He hears an alarm go off, bouncing off of each blinding white wall. He looks around, alert.

Foreign entry? That can mean one of two things, someone had managed to infiltrate the building, the system had recognized a moving object outside and mistook it as a human threat. If he didn't care so much about Kang Taehyun, he might've hoped for the first option in order to have some action in this boring place, Kai hopes for the latter with Taehyun's security in mind.

He doesn't hope for much longer.

"Kai-Shii, can you hear me?" The higher rank speaks through the earpiece, his tone is masked with fake calmness. "Someone entered the building using a fake ID and working badge, it got pinged too late."

The first option is.

Kai holds the tiny mic close to his mouth. "How late?"

They're currently on the fifth floor, an elevator ride in approximately 30 seconds or less, but the infiltrator most likely took the stairs to avoid being seen by one of the real workers. Since the staff is limited, everyone knows everyone which means riding the elevator would get him caught pretty fast.

5 flights of stairs take 2 minutes to climb if the person is in top shape, which let's say he is to give us a margin for error.

"20 seconds into his entrance." the higher rank responds.

Kai has only over a minute to secure the people inside. That is if the person knows for a fact that the 2 most important people are on the fifth floor. If he has that much inside intel, Kai is in quite a bit of trouble.

The door opens, from within Kang Taehyun's lab partner emerges in a frantic manner, dashing out of the room a while after the evacuation notice. He watches him run to the front desk where he's handled by the lab staff that guide him with care into the elevators.

"Kai-Shii. Take Kang Taehyun and get out of the building now. The intruder has a weapon." His heart drops. He gets the order from his superior and moves on automat. Entering the room without searching for permission. He sees Taehyun bent over the table, continuing his work as if there isn't an alert going off. The only indication that he's aware he shouldn't be inside the building anymore is his labored, panicked breath Kai had sadly grown accustomed to.

"Mr. Kang. We leave to leave." Kai approaches him, but Taehyun backs away, his notes still in his hand as he proceeds to write without looking at the pages.


"No?" Kai swallows. Dumbfounded. "Mr. Kang, there is an armed man on his way to us, we need to go, now." he pursed his lips. It's taking everything in his not to yank Taehyun close to him and run away from this room as fast as he possibly can.

He looks back, the hall is still to his good luck, empty. But he knows it won't be long before it's not. He looks back at Taehyun, his eyes are begging.

"Mr. Kang." he says with desperation, hoping Taehyun realizes this isn't just some joke. "Please." he prefaces. "Come with me." he holds out his hand.

"Kai!" someone yells in his ear. He recognizes Yeonjun's voice. "What the hell is happening, you should be here already! Where is Kang Taehyun?!"

The yells only add to his already fast beating heart and fuzzy mind. He exhales a shaky breath and takes a step forward. Taehyun takes one step back and instantly he's back to where they started.

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