Chapter 1 - A Fate Decided

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"Freya Hattori." A young gentleman sighed and pulled a pen from the inner coat pocket of his winter coat. "I'm not surprised, I have been called out here four times already." The officer flipped open his notepad. "I'm afraid I have a few more questions to ask." Freya leaned against the officer's car; her hands shoved deep into her coat pockets.

"It wasn't me." Freya said, her voice tight. It couldn't have been her, not again. Her hands clenched tightly in her pocket, only partly from the chilly air. The officer grumbling struggled to clip his pen to the inside of his coat, he knew he wouldn't get any information from her tonight, being a clumsy fellow, he dropped it and fumbled forward, catching it as it fell. "Uh huh, well I've been following this case since animal number one missy..." He trailed off looking around the sidewalk for the pen he had just been holding in his hand. "Right eh," He said slowly.

Freya's face was slowly gaining its color back. Her breathing slowed as she watched her breath in the air. She couldn't keep herself from shivering, she couldn't understand it, her mind kept muddling when she tried to think about it. The animals had all just died. She hadn't even done a thing, she wasn't cruel.

"Miss Hattori, Miss." The officer was grabbing her shoulder. Freya let out a growl and slapped his hand away. "I said it wasn't me." Freya pushed away from the car and drew her hood. "I'm going home, if you have any more questions call me." The man tried to slide his notebook into his coat pocket but missed and tried again with a sigh of frustration, finally succeeding to jam it in and button the pocket closed, he was a stupid man. "I say Hattori, hold on just one minute--" he stuttered. With her head down Freya stepped off the sidewalk and into the street, she had to get away from it all. She needed a moment to breathe. She pulled her chin into her coat, trying to keep the cold out.

"Blimey!" The officer yelled from the sidewalk. Freya glanced up, a car screeched, the driver slamming on the brakes as the headlights landed on Freya.

Freya began to freeze in terror as the oncoming cars' horn blared, her eyes blinded by the bright lights. She gritted her teeth as survival began to course through her, she leapt to the side, too late. A chilling noise filled the cold night air as the car hit Freya, sending her flying backward. The car slid across the icy road, tires screeching to a stop. An older man tumbled out of the car door, slipping on the ice. "Oh my God, oh my God!" He cried, his breath fogging in the air, he pushed his glasses up his nose as he hurried to his feet.

Freya sat up, breathing heavily as the officer and man hurried toward her. Freya could hear her heart pounding wildly in her ears, the sounds around her seemed to fade out, till all she could hear was her pounding heart and harsh breathing. How was she alive. Why did she feel no pain? Freya spit the blood from her mouth and gripped her side, letting out a small moan, pain beginning to pulse through her as she sat in the light of the car's headlights. There, there's the pain. She thought bitterly. "Blimey, she's alive." The old man grabbed Freya's shoulder. "You alright love? A bloody miracle innit?" Freya blinked as the sounds slowly came back to her. Freya stood shakily to her feet, the men watching in silent amazement. The officer grabbed her arm as she began to hobble off. "I'm calling an ambulance; you stay right eh miss." He eyes her worriedly taking a radio from his belt. Freya twisted out of his grip. "I'm going home." she said stiffly, then she began to walk off down the street leaving the men in the car's headlights, staring after her in disbelief.


Freya's mother had lived only an hour after she had given birth to her first daughter, giving her the name Freya Hattori. Miss Graven, the head mistress at the "Happy Home for Lost Girls." Had made sure to tell Freya that her mother had never loved her. "Crazy she was. That's what the nurse that brought you here said." Miss Graven sat at her desk; her glasses perched on her sharp nose. Her bitter cold eyes staring at young Freya. "Called you a monster, said you would be just like your father," Miss Graven scrunched her nose. "Heaven knows who your father was." Freya had been called into Miss Graven's office after punching one of the girls while on the playground. Freya had been only trying to help. "I knew you'd be a troublemaker miss Hattori." Miss Graven sniffed.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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