Locker Room Talk & Bathroom Stalls

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First day back at school.

It's exactly how she thought it would be. Girls glaring at her still, whispering just loud enough so she could hear but not too loud because then the teachers would hear. Boys whistling at her while staring at her like she's a piece of meat.

Every time she went to her locker a new boy would come up to her and ask her if she'd like to "hang out" sometime, then wink at her. She would hurry to grab her things and walk away without responding.

By fourth period she gave up on going to her locker and carried all her books in her backpack.

Then came lunch.

The second she walked in everything became deathly silent. Everyone's eyes on her, as if she were an animal at the zoo. She almost wanted to turn around and hide in the library but was worried that would give them more to talk about.

Quickly grabbing a sandwich and paying she went to sit down at the secluded table in the corner. This seemed the safest because she thought she could be alone.

That was proven wrong when the blondetourage came over.

"I see you came back. If I were you I wouldn't show my face ever again." Blonde number one said.

"Yeah especially as your the reason Lucas Bradford was suspended on his first day back." Number two chimed in with a look of pure hatred.

"I have zero clue why he would do that for someone like you. You're nothing, less than nothing actually. Not pretty, funny, popular, or rich. You're a waste. When he comes back you will stay far away from him. He doesn't need you ruining his life any more than you already have." Number one said while bending down to look at her face to face.

"Yeah" Number three added not wanting to be left out.

"The water now please."

With the command from number one, three opened up a water and dumped it all over Lilly's head.

Everyone started to laugh. Lilly looked around and saw everybody was recording. It was like she was living a real life Disney high school movie moment.

Grabbing her things, she walked out with her eyes on the ground. Not daring to look at anyone again.


Lilly spent the next class period in the girls bathroom trying to dry her hair with the hand dryer on the wall.

She was able to get most of her makeup off with water. Her eyes were puffy from crying. Hair frizzy from the dryer.

She couldn't bear the idea of staying at school any longer.

She grabs her phone and calls Cathrine.

"Hey, girl. Aren't you supposed to be in class?"

"Yeah, but something happened. Is there any way one of you could pick me up and I could help at the shop?"

"Yeah. Duke just finished making the last pastries for the day. I'll have him come get you."

"Thank you so much."

"He's going to text you when he gets there."


Lilly heard the bell go off and the halls fill up with students.

She decided to hide in one of the stalls in case someone came in.

Two minutes pass as she stares at her phone hoping for the text to come through, when she hears the door open and giggles fill up the room.

"I heard from Jillian about what happened at lunch. I can't believe the teacher made me stay late, and miss it."

"Yeah, honestly I don't even know why Lilly would even go into the cafeteria. She had to have known they would be in there."

"There's only one thing that confuses me about the whole situation. What did they mean about Lucas?"

"You didn't hear?"

"I knew he got suspended, but I thought it was for fighting. She wasn't even in school. So how is she involved?"

"Well supposedly, in the boys locker room they were talking about the photo, and passing it around when Lucas came in and saw. He asked what was going on and the boys started bragging about it all. Lucas got really livid about how they thought it was okay to do something like that, and he punched them while yelling about how disgusting they all were."

"He's such a good guy. I wish someone would defend me like that."

"Yeah, he is amazing. Though he shouldn't be wasting his efforts on someone like her."

"You're totally right. She is such an attention whore, but we should probably start heading to class because I don't want to get detention for being late again."

They left the room, but Lilly didn't even notice the door shutting. Their words echoing in her head was the only thing she could think of.


That's all she felt.

Their words ran through her mind, not even stopping for a second.

Then she noticed a constant vibration in her pocket.

Her phone.

Reaching for it she noticed it was Duke.

"Hey." She tried to keep her voice steady but it was really difficult. It felt like she couldn't breathe.

"I've been texting you. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, sorry. I'll be right out." She hung up and exited the stall.

Looking up at the mirror all she saw was a broken girl. Tears streaked over her face. She didn't even notice she started crying again.

Wiping the tears she readied herself to go out there. The space from here to outside wasn't very far. She could make it. Everyone should still be in class.

She all but runs through the hall to get out as soon as possible.

Thankfully no faculty noticed her.

Walking out the door she sees Duke's car.

She bolted at that point and opened the car door.

Letting out a sigh of relief when she sits down.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not right now, but thank you. Can we just go to the shop? Maybe later I'll be up to talking."

"Yeah, kiddo. You talk whenever you feel up to it. I also saved you a cinnamon roll for when we get there."

That made her smile. A small smile but a smile nonetheless.


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