chapter twenty

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The next day at school, Mia comes running up to me the second I'm out of my car. "WILLOW!" she screeches as she runs right into me and about knocks me on my ass.

"Coming in hot there Mia. What's up?" I question as if everything is super normal. Even though the night before was anything but normal.

She gives me an incredulous look, "Um, the tea?!"

I laugh at her love for gossip. I had texted her last night that I had some major tea, but she never answered me. I'm sure she fell asleep. But now she's wide awake and about to explode with excitement over my news.

"Okay, let's chill out a little bit." I tell her.

"CHILL OUT?! I can't! Not when there's piping hot tea to be told. Tell me now!" She puts her arms on my shoulders and shakes me violently. Trying to get answers, I assume.

I pull away from her incessant shaking, "Mia, stop."

She abruptly stops once she sees the stressed out look I'm sure I have on my face. "Lo? You're freaking me out now. What's going on?"

I soften up my expression because now Mia looks like she's about to cry or something.

"Mia, it's okay. It's not that bad, well it kinda is, but it's nothing you should be freaking out about," I explain to her.

"Keep talking," she says ever so sassily.

I begin with a big sigh; I don't want to even speak this nonsense out into the world. But I tell her everything that has occurred in the past two weeks anyway. From finding my dad out on a date with Joel's mom, to them dating. And now Joel and my secret—well extra secret now—relationship. Mia listens intently as I tell her my terrible reality. Once I'm finally finished, she starts giggling.

I glare at her, "What's so funny Mia?"

After her bout of giggles, she explains to me, "It's just such a scandal, I love it." I continue to glare at her as she speaks, "It's like Romeo and Juliet, so tragic." You can always count on Mia to find the good in every situation.

She continues to giggle again, whereas I find no humor in this matter. "C'mon, admit it's a little funny."

I shake my head.

"Okay, you're no fun," she teases me lightly. Mia looks behind me, "Well if it isn't Romeo."

Just then, I feel an arm snake around my shoulders. Joel. I look up at him and he's already smiling down at me.

"Why am I Romeo?" Joel questions.

I explain to Joel what Mia had said before she starts listing more tragic couples. Like Noah and Allie from The Notebook or something. "Mia says we're like Romeo and Juliet since our parents are now dating. It's a true tragedy."

I laugh along with Mia this time because what else can I do at the moment?

The bell rings and the three of us make our way into the school.

"Wait, don't Romeo and Juliet off themselves because they can't be together?" Joel comments. I nod my head. "Um, that's not going to happen to us, right Lo?" I laugh at his immediate worried tone. Mia joins in with my laughter as we wander into the building. "LO?!" He screeches and runs to catch up with us. Oh, my Romeo, like I could ever leave you behind.


After school, Joel and I make our way downtown to Powell's City of Books. We came to do homework in the café area because I love the atmosphere and, of course, all the books. We're enjoying our coffees and working on our French assignment when I hear a familiar voice.

"Fancy seeing you two here!" Connie says excitedly. I look up to see her and Dad attached to her arm.

What the heck are they doing here? Shouldn't they be at work?

And then another scary thought passes through my head. Oh my god. I'm with Joel, they're going to know something is up. That's it. The jig is up. No more hiding our relationship. We're dead.

But I see I'm overreacting when I look over at Joel to see him completely calm. What?

"Mom! Mr. Moreau! How's it going?" He tries to play it cool. We can't look too surprised, or we'll definitely look like we're hiding something. Okay, calm, I can do that.

"Hello Joel, hello Willow," Dad says, "What are you two doing here?"

I look over at Joel for saving. He gets the hint of my look, so he takes over for me, "Well, since you two are dating now, we thought we'd get to know each other more. You know? Become friends. So, we're just doing some homework together."

He smiles at them nonchalantly. Dad and Connie nod their heads. I don't know how Joel did it, but they believe him.

Dad speaks up, "That's good, we'll leave you to it then." We all say our goodbyes and they wander off to another part of the bookstore.

I look at Joel wide eyed and he laughs. I join him. "This is crazy," he points out.

I shake my head disbelievingly, "Tell me about it." Then we're stuck looking into each other's eyes. "I love you Joel," I finally speak up.

He smiles and says, "I love you too Lo."

We continue to work on homework until our coffee is gone. Then we wander around the rest of the store looking at all the books. We sneak kisses in the hidden nooks because we don't know if our parents are still lurking around.

On the drive back to my house, I get to thinking about how hard this relationship is going to be now. Hiding our love from our parents while we have to sit in front of them and act like we're just friends. But I guess it's worth it. Joel is worth it.

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