The Algorithm of a Lifetime

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Thought: 8 ball and 9 ball pool are both algorithms. It's all math. Shapes, lines (object ball/object pocket, tangent line, center of the cue ball line, bank line and kick line, conflict line and approach line) and degrees, percentages (25% of the time pro players run a table, that's 75% that they miss) and speed (ball speed, table speed, and pocket speed). Which ball you need to hit first and where you need to be for your next or last shot (so, how hard or soft you need to hit it and what kind of english you need or if you need english). Where can you leave the ball if you know you're gonna miss or not gonna have another shot so your opponent doesn't have a shot or make them work for it? Where can you leave your ball(s) for your teammate if you're playing teams? And last but not least, is it a scratch shot? If it's a scratch and you're on the 8 ball, you better take a different shot even if it means you miss. Make it a hard shot for your opponent. If your opponent is on the 8 ball and it's an easy shot, don't scratch. Or if the 8 ball is in a bad spot and they have to break their balls out, just give them ‘ball in hand’. Like I said, everything about playing pool is an algorithm. You have to strategies every shot.

Personally, I absolutely love this algorithm!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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