RP Rules

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18+ stuff is DMs only. Also, if we DO end up doing it, the characters involved must be aged up to adult age.

I only roleplay male x male.

If you think I won't like something you're considering doing in-rp, ask me about it. I'll answer your question, no matter how weird. (Unless it's problematic, in which case I'll block you.)

PLEASE only request a RP in DMs. I won't answer otherwise.

Please don't ask to join an existing RP. There's only room for two people in a RP.

I'd prefer if we stayed away from crossovers.

Mutant x Human is fine, but I'd prefer Mutant x Mutant and Human x Human.

NO Tcest. If you even ask me about it, I'll block you the SECOND I see it.

If you're gonna say something to me, use the Out of Character channel.

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