2: Couch Sitting

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Charlotte's Main View

When she needed to unwind and destress, Char watched trashy, dirty, cheesy, romance movies. It's silly, but the happy endings and perfect guys cheered her up in a weird way.

Now , the guys on screen didn't compare to the group of men who had been living with her. Plus, it was hard to get into it when Jackson was sitting next to her on the couch late at night, getting way too involved in the plot and yelling at the TV. Who knew he'd love this crap so much?

She was in PJ shorts and a tank top, sprawled out on the couch. He was dressed similarly, also on the couch. Charlotte was pretending she couldn't see his abs through his shirt.

"Dumbass! She clearly wants you, if you'd stop for one second and notice all the hints she's dropping!" he groaned, gesturing at the TV. Char buried her face in her blanket, trying to muffle her laughter. He took an angry swig of the wine she'd poured for them.

"Why are you yelling?" a deep voice behind them asked. Charlotte turned, surprised to see a scowling, reclusive Reece walking to sit on her other side on the couch. Weird that he was awake this late. Jackson turned to him, looking emotionally exhausted from the movie.

"Clueless dumbass who doesn't know how to tell when a girl is into him," he sighed, shaking his head. Reece nodded, watching the movie for a minute. After a few seconds he pauses.

"Garbage." He dismissed the movie and opened the book that had been set on the side table at some point earlier. He had a point.

By the climax of the movie, Jackson was very emotionally invested in their relationship, and Reece even let out a puff of displeased air when they had their break-up in the rain.

By the happy ending(once again in the rain), Jackson and Charlotte were a little drunk and loose, and Reece actually cracked a small smile for a second.

"Alright," Char said, stretching out her legs so that they went over Jackson's lap and her head rested on Reece's lap. Jackson rested his hands on her ankles. She was kind of drunk and didn't care enough to feel weird about it. She was a cuddler. "So that was my movie, which I can see you clearly enjoyed. A lot. So just to recap, we just finished watching a romcom, which was very angering to Jack over here," she giggled, wiggling her feet in his lap.

He slightly tightened his grip on her ankles, smiling at her. "It's just that some of us know how to tell when a woman is dropping hints, that's all." Suddenly her bare legs over his lap felt very vulnerable. She parted her lips and stared at him for a second, only breaking out of her trance when he stroked a thumb over the sensitive part of her ankle bone.

She grabbed the remote and navigated out of the end credits, ignoring the hot blush coming over her. "Yeah, yeah. Anyway, we watched Top Gun and The Notebook and you loved my movie more so there," she recalled, finishing off another glass of wine.

Reece silently moved the empty glass out of her hand to the table next to him as she looked over at Jackson. "Well, I've been cut off. And it's like 3 in the morning, so I think we should come back to this later," she slurred, turning off the TV.

"Have you... ever been drunk?" Reece asked, staring at her. She rolled her eyes and nodded her head, which was still in his lap, and he pressed his lips together. "Of course, I don't know why you all think I'm so innocent. I'm 23, I'm a woman, I can get drunk in the comfort of my own house," As she continues on her tangent Reece gently gets out from under her and was gone for a second before returning with a glass of water and Advil. She felt bad for bothering him as well as nagging him.

"What am I, chopped liver?" Jackson asked, clearly also drunk. Reece rolled his eyes and disappeared up the stairs with quiet footsteps.

Char and Jackson stumbled their way up the stairs and to their separate rooms, quietly laughing. She hoped it was quiet, anyway.

After a great shower she got into bed, thinking about how Jackson had grabbed her legs and smiled at her like that. Of course she wasn't attracted to him or anything, but it was probably a sign she needed to get some action.

If nothing else, then for her law case that she couldn't seem to fully grasp and focus on. They were certainly distracting. Jackson and her had gotten really closer over the few weeks.

Reece barely said anything and she really didn't know him at all but she was pretty sure he didn't like her. He always seemed angry.

Jackson was hilarious but also a man of very few words, but he always seemed to be watching her with a pleasant look on his face. After opening him up she found him to just be observant and understood that sometimes he preferred to listen rather than talk.

Ethan was really sweet to her and seemed to enjoy cooking her things and getting her the occasional present, along with anything she would want. She was spoiled. He was the doctor after all.

Colton, she'd also learned, was a big flirt but didn't mean anything by it. She couldn't take him seriously. He could turn anything into an innuendo. She hadn't seen him without a smile on his face.

She definitely lucked out with her roommates. They cleaned up after themselves, didn't cause drama or throw parties or anything. None of them had even brought a woman home. Maybe they were gay? Gay guys are usually super hot so that makes sense.

She'd been doing pretty well at pushing down her considerable attraction to them, but there had definitely been a couple moments where it was hard. Was it right to like more than one of them?

Who knew Colton looked so amazing in just a towel after his shower? Charlotte did, after a little run in last week. The solid minute she stood there staring at his abs were only interrupted when she remembered there was a Colton attached to them. A Colton with a brain who was silently smirking at her, which was very out of character for him.

Why are they all so hot? She couldn't help her body reacting to them.

Charlotte fell asleep trying to ignore the hot feeling in her body they caused. Ignore it enough, it'll go away on its own, right? It has to, she signed a one year lease.

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