Hey, Whats Your Favorite Flavor of Grass?

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I stare at the pages that lie in my hand, trying to find some solace amidst the current predicament I'm in. For some odd reason, there is a strange girl chasing me around the entire school building refusing to leave me alone..

"SENSHUUUUU!!!" I heard the voice of a girl shout from below me, a group of students that were sitting down eating lunch staring at her in confusion before focusing on their own conversations.

Some in my situation would get anxious at this. However, theres no need to fret, as I am hiding atop the roof of the storage room. Since my hiding spot is the least likeliest for one to look for I have an extremely low chance of-

Just as I was relishing in my well made plan, I felt someone sit down beside me.


"Geez, why'd you run away from me?! I was just trying to talk to you!" The dusty-ash blonde haired girl shouted, her tone leaving a hint of playfulness.

That's exactly why I was running away from you, I thought, but kept it to myself. How did she get up here anyways? Thinking it was impossible, my mind was quickly changed as I glanced over and saw the ladder I had put away to use and get up to the roof of the storage room.

Hesitantly, I spoke up, my gaze glued back onto the book I was reading. "What do you want?"  I wasn't sure how this overly bubbly girl knew my maiden name, but when you're constantly scoring the highest on tests it's hard for people not to see. I'm not bragging, by the way.

"Well.." She began, crossing one leg over the other while looking up at the sky as if she was deep in thought. "I forgot?" She admitted sheepishly with a grin, and that was my cue to leave.

I looked up at the girl for the first time, noticing the bandage on the left side of her face before dismissing it as nothing of my business. "If thats all, I'll be leaving then," Wanting to get out of this situation fast, I carefully leaped off the roof of the storage room, the fall only a couple feet.

"Waiit!" She pleaded, jumping off the storage roof carelessly, nearly injuring herself. Although, it wasn't surprising how absentminded she was considering she had multiple bandages on her knee and face.

I didn't stop walking, going down the stairs as the girl continued to follow me. Burying my head deeper into my book, I hoped it would flood out how irritating the loudness of her voice was, but I knew it wouldn't work.

Hearing her following beside me, I quickened my pace. "What's your name?" She continued to bombard me with useless questions, which I ignored every single one.

Surprisingly, the ash-blonde headed girl kept up with my pace, and I gave up, running out of energy before sitting down against the wall in the empty halls, praying for any god that might be out there to get me out of this situation.

"Finally! You can't run now, Senshuu!" She gleamed proudly before sitting down beside me on the freshly waxed floor. "Now, whats your favorite flavor of-"

Before she could finish her peculiar question, the bell rang, and I regained all of my energy in that moment, quickly leaving to my classroom.

Thank you, god.

I settled down into my seat near the door of the classroom, not minding the disappointed look on the girls face. Students flooded into the classroom, the teacher preparing to start the lesson.

I eyed the blackboard mindlessly, before I felt something small hit my head. Looking for the source, a..paper ball rested on the floor right against my shoe. I gingerly kicked it away, not wanting to get involved with whatever it may be.

Before I knew it, I felt another small paper ball hit the side of my head, and I turned my head over to see who was doing it. Unsurprisingly, it was the girl from before, a pile of sticky notes on her desk. Sighing, I reached down to pick it up, returning the crumpled note to its former state.

Just as I began to read it, Mrs. Anno, the teacher, called out my name from right above my face, catching me off guard. "Senshuu Kazuto, would you like to share with the class what you have in that note? Or would you like a visit to the principals office?" She said firmly, a menacing tone in her voice. Without saying a word, I handed the note to the teacher, not minding what the contents inside of it might be. After all, that girl was the one who passed it.

I couldn't risk ruining my perfect track record, so I'd rather her read the note.. But then again, I've heard rumors that she was known for getting into fights and was expelled from her last school, which was the only way I knew her name; Linh Minni. Who know's what she would've written in that note? Maybe she wrote something innapropriate..or even worse, like-!

"What is your favorite flavor of grass...- Huh?" She looked at the note with a dumbfounded expression, before it turning into one of frustration at the sound of a small handful of students snickers.


"I don't know what you think this class is, but if you think it's time to ask foolish questions like these, I think you deserve some time with the principal. Go. Now."


I tried hard to keep my frustration bottled up, and reluctantly took my bag while heading to the principals office to have a supposed "chat."

My energy was already drained from having to run away from that girl, and now I'm in this trouble.

I sat down across from the principal, the man old with a freshly shaven mustache covering his top lip. "I didn't expect to see a stellar student like you here!" He spoke gruffly, but his voice holding the same kindness of a grandpa. "So, what happened?"

"A student named Minni passed a note to me." I quickly snitched, unaware that others may perceive it as immoral or being a stick in the mud.

"Minni?" The principal sighed, as if he had been used to her behavior. "I'm not surprised. Well, thank you for letting me know about this. You're free to leave."

I nodded and left the office, shortly after hearing from the speaker calling Minni to the office, followed by a muffled "WHAT?!" from inside the classroom.

Walking past her in the halls, I paid no mind to her and sat back down in my seat upon entering the classroom.


Now my day can go without interruptions.

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