Journey of the Glaive

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I haven't felt like myself in years and for so long, I just felt that my youthful years were wasting away, especially the last 4 years, and that made me really sad, bitter and vengeful.

In those years I pushed some people away, missed out on or wasted key opportunities and stopped looking out for myself in the ways I should have been.

The best decision I made, was when I decided to just go into work and figure it out as I went along.

It's been a long, tough journey, but it looks like it was worth it;

All those hours, standing around with trays like a servant.
All those hours, pulling fake smiles at people I despised or pitied.
All those hours, working myself to the bone in terrible conditions like a slave.
All those hours, taking orders from fools who could discard and replace you in seconds.

It looks like it was worth it;

I may not always be happy, but I know that emotions are temporary and change like the wind.

I may have constant chaos within me, but I also have inner peace and I accept that both parts can live together in me.

I may not always know the answers, but not everything needs one, some things can just exist as they are.

My journey is just beginning and the path is now laid out for me. All I have to do, is keep on walking forward...

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