Wybie's Diary

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Dear Diary
I thought i should start to right my thoughts
My life has been really good so far. I never had trouble in my life. I always got to do what I wanted to do, my parents never really cared about me to  tell me what to do or say anything about me, I think that they may have forgotten that I'm their child unlike my younger sister!
They always give her what she wants even though we didn't have the money for it, they even gave her MY birthday party when I was 10 and she was 8, all because "tHe PaRtY wAsN't FoR hEr" I was told by my dad when I asked why does she cry so much at the party and when they let her open all my presents even though she had one a week ago(she was born a week before my birthday).
My parents always liked her more than me, I don't know why but maybe it's because I don't look like them at all, and my sister looks like them both.
I have long blond hair and my little sister has long black hair, I have 1 dark green eye and 1 dark brown eye, and she has light brown eyes, il also a lot lighter then she is, even though I'm in the sun all day and she has somewhat dark skin.
I also love being outside with animals and my little sister does not like being outside or any animals. We are complete opposites when it comes down to... will everything! I don't think me and her had ever agreed on something in our whole life. I'm 18 and she is 16, the ONLY thing that we can agree upon is that we hate each other.
Ok so it is a bit more than a little bit, sorry about that, but this is a lot more fun than I thought. Im going start doing this more often, that's all for now.
Love Wybie
P.S don't tell anyone that I'm doing this, people will make fun of me if they find out.

Dear Diary
Here is a little bit more about me and what I do every day, and I mean every day.
Early in the morning when I wake up, it's like 6-7 am. I go to the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone, I make everyone's favorite food every morning and I mean every morning. After i'm done with that I go outside to the animals, we have 5 big dogs, all of them are saint bernards and girls, and 2 cats, they are both ragdolls but the thing is that 1 is a girl and the other is a boy so I have to keep the girl inside and the boy outside.
I feed them 3 times a day, and take all of them on a run/a walk everyday for like 1-2 hours. After the run/walk, I go back home and start to clean everything and when I say everything I mean it.
After cleaning all day I lay in my bed and read books. If I could, I would read books all day, they are a lot more fun than anything I could do.
My dream is to have every book in the world and have all the free time in the would to read them all. That would be so fun, and with someone I really love, we would just lay in bed all day and read books all day and night long. We don't have to do anything what so ever.
I may go to the book store soon to get a few more books. I have been saving up a little bit so I can get some books and other things for the dogs and cats.
Mom and Dad doesn't like it when I read inside when I have free time so tell me to go outside, sucks for them because I made a small hole in the wall in my room and I have all my books over there so when they put me out side i just go over to the hole in my room and grab a book, go to the dog and cat house I made, its really big, and I lay in there with them and read and cuddle them, sometimes I fall asleep and I wake up to all of them licking my face.
This is really fun, I love doing this, and reading books. I might make a book about my life, that seems like real fun to do, or maybe 5 books, and they are all different so everyone can read them and love them.
Love Wybie

Dear Diary
Something is off with my mom and dad, more with my mom then my dad, I don't know what's wrong with her, she has been a lot more nicer to me, she even asked me if I like have a long dress or a short one, and she took me to try on a few white dress, she even said I look lovely in them, and got me a few books after we were done.
Some man was there the whole time, she kept looking at him when I came out of the dressing room. He looks really old, like 70- 80 years old, but he was dressed really nicely.
I heard him tell my mom "she is very pretty, just what I'm looking for, and she cleans and cooks, she is just right for my son, you have a deal."
What deal is he talking about? I have no idea once so ever. I'll ask mom and dad about that later after dinner, mom is making my favorite dinner tonight. She never does that, not even on my birthday. But I'm not saying it at all. I will talk to you later.
Love Wybie

Dear Diary
Diary I have something to tell, it's really bad for me, and maybe even for you as well, but i have to tell you from the start.
Mom and Dad started to make my sister go cook when I'm hungry, and clean everything I used to clean, and I cleaned everything in and out the house, even her room.
My mom has been cooking my favorite food every day and every time I say "I'm hungry" or " I'm going to the kitchen to grab something to eat/ snack on".
Also I haven't been able to see all of the animals at all, my Mom said  "they don't mighter anymore and that your sister will take care of them" I hear sister talking to my Mom saying that she doesn't want to clean or cook anymore, and that she would marry him if it means she can stop. But my Mom said that it's too late for her to change her mind, the dad said yes to me and he wouldn't change his mind anymore, and that they need the money and if they back it now they lost all the money they got from him.
So I think I know what's going on now. Mom and Dad are going to marry me to someone that I don't know! I knew they were up to something but I would never guess this! I don't know what to do or say, she said that it's going to be 2  weeks before I get married to whoever they are! 2 WEEK!?!? I have no idea what to do now, I have to marry someone...
Love Wybie

Dear Diary
It has not been so good for a few day's, I tried to ask mom about it and she said she had no idea what I'm talking about. Dad said that I just heard things and then looked at my sister with a look that could kill and said "right?" and she said no and that she was tired of cleaning and cooking everything in this house.
I don't know why they didn't ask me or even tell me about it, but they don't care about me once or ever, and do you know how I know that, because I asked them!!! And they both said that they don't really care about me, only my sister. They are only doing this so that i would marry this dude when it comes time for the wedding.
I cant believe them. I said that I wasn't marrying someone that I don't know, but they said they don't care what I want or what I say. I'm still doing it.
I don't want to marry someone I don't know, I have to do something about this. I have no idea what to do to stop this wedding.
A wedding can't happen if not everyone is there, like the bride. I think I should run away from this whole thing, but where would I go? They said that my whole family is going to be there for me and that everyone is really happy about it and will not listen to what I want or even say to them, so I can't go to my other family for help. So I have to run away and never come back.
Oh also the reason they want me to marry this dude is because his dad is tired of his son not having a wife, they are paying for everything and are even paying my Mom and Dad to have me. They did ask my sister about it because they want the best for her but she didn't want to marry him because he is "ugly" and " there's not that much money in the world to make her marry him". that's what she told them why she wouldn't marry him.
I'll go to the city and get a job. I don't know what I came and can't do but I'll find out when I get there. I'll leave tomorrow with the dogs and cats. I hope I can find somewhere or someone to take all of us in.
I'm really going to miss it here after I'm gone but I must leave here, I don't have a home here anymore. I'll leave when everyone goes to bed tomorrow night. I'll make sure the dogs and cats don't make a sound when we are leaving.
Diary if you don't see any writing from me, just know my Mom and Dad found me and have found this book. And that this is all of their fault.
I hope me and my pets can find a good place to stay and live far away from this place. I never called this place my home, and I never will call it home.

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