Wybie running away from home

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Wybie looks at the clock that she has on her night stand, the one that she would look at when she was crying her self to sleep on her birthdays because no one remembered or if they did they didn't get her anything. The clock reads 1:24 AM.
"I really hope that my mom, dad, and sister are not up right now, I don't want them knowing that Im running away to night." said Wybie  to her self  as she packed her bag with dog food, cat food, and everything that she got for her dogs and cats.
As Wybie is done packed her bag  her grabs her dogs and cats leashes and puts the leashes on them. She grabs her bag and the other leash and tells her dogs and cats "ok guys, I need you guys to be quiet until we  are far away from here."  she opens her door as quiet as she can, even though everyone is asleep right now but knowing that her sister is a very light sleeper so is her dad, she tried to be as quiet as she can be to not wake them.
She walks to the kitchen. She grabs a plastic bag and starts to fell the plastic bag with snacks and other foods. She grabs chips, cookies, roman, a few bottles of water, and some other things that will keep her feld so she didn't have to get anything from the store or ask anyone for food.
She grabbed her bags and walked to the front door as quiet as she can make with 3 big dogs and 2 cats. The cats aren't really lond like the dogs but it hard to keep 3 dogs and 2 cats quiet and not push anything over and have it make a sound.
As she was about to open the front door she hears some one say " And where do you think your going at 1:30 at night?"
She frozen where she was, she looked back to see who it was and it was her sister siting on some guys lap, and a beer bodle in her hand. Her eyes were a light color of red.
"Im just taking the dogs and cats for a walk, they didn't want to go to sleep" said Wybie trying to hide he backpack.
"And who is that?" looking at the man that her little sister was siting on like they were dating.
"Look I know your trying to ran away from the shit place" said her little sister as she stands up and walks over to Wybie ¨"but I don't really care if you leave, Im going to tell you the truth I want you to leave and never come bac, so leave, but if you come back then i'm going to make your life a living hell, got that?"
"don't worry about that, Ill never come back here ever in my life." said Wybie.
"Good I won't tell mom or dad that you left, I kinda want to see how long its going to take them until they notice that your gone." said her sister as she stated to laugh, and walking away with the man that was siting on the couch.
Wybie open the door and told the dogs and cats to walk out of the door. Before she walked out she looked a look around the house, or a part of the house that she was able to see, she wish she can find a reason to stay but she can't. All she can think about is how bad her mom and dad were to her, how much she had to clean every day, and how many time she was hit. Instead of finding a reason to stay she found more reason to ran away and never look back.
She turned around facing the night sky, it was pretty. Wybie could not stay a minute longer. She walked out of that house, closed the front door and walked away never looking back.
After a few hours of walking Wybie felt like giving up and walking back home and just stay there. But as she looked at her dogs and cats, she knew she had to get them out of that house. So she keeped waking. She said to her self that no matter what, she  was going to give them a place to stay and to ran around and to make sure that they will always be safe with her.
She keeped on walking for what felt like years. Until she stated to see the sun rise, she has never seen the sun rice so beautiful before. She just had to stay there for a few minutes and just watch. She find a tree close by so she walked over with her dogs and cats and sit down to rest. Once she had sit down she relied how tried she was and wanted to get some sleep. After sitting there for a few minutes she started to fall asleep with her dogs and cat laying with her making her feel safe and warm.
As she fell asleep she started to think of what she was going to do once she do to the city.
She wanted to get a big house for her dogs and cats to ran around and play in, she wanted to find someone to love and to help take care of her pets with her. But as she was thinking about what she wanted to do with her life she fell asleep.
The next thing she knows is that she is waking up to all of the dogs barking and the cats kessing at someone or something.
To looks up to see what they were barking ans kessing at, but she saw 2 people getting out of a track, from what she can see, 1 was a girl in her 20s-30s, and a man in his 20s-30s.
The women walked over to her and ask if she was ok and why she was out side by herself.
Wybie said "I'm trying to get to New York to see my mom and my dad, they said that there was no sits on the plane for me so I'm on the next plane." Wybie knows that her "Mom and Dad" are not in New York and would never let her on the plane.
Wybie also knows that she can't let this people know that she is running away from home, if they found out they will take her back and she does not want to go back to the house.
As a man got out of the car the woman said "oh ok then, will we can give you a ride to the airport, it's very far away from here"
Wybie thought about it for a little bit, "should I go with them? They are going where I need to go, but they could be lying to me to get me to come with them, if so, why? Did my "MoM and dAd" know that I was gone now? Did they call a friend to find me and bring me back? They didn't look like any of my "MoM and dAds" friends that I have met before. Maybe I'll go with them, they look like nice people and they seem to really want to help me." Wybie said "thank you but idk if I can take my dogs and cats with me, I don't want to leave them alone, I don't have anyone to take care of them for me."
The women said that "if you would like, we can drive you there, you can come with us so your dogs and cats can come with you" as she emailed at Wybie and put her hand out to help Wybie off the ground.
Wybie smiled at her and toke her hand, the man help put the dogs and cats in the big car they had, and off they left to New York.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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