Chapter Twelve

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Y'all know that you're allowed to comment, right? Even if it's stupid. It's fun to read and I'm constantly bored.


Bruce looked down at the teenager who was wolfing down pasta like she hadn't seen food in a week. "What am I supposed to do with a girl, Alf?"

"The same things you do for the boys, I believe sir. Except she can only eat foods that are pink." Alfred said dryly.

Bruce sighed. "You know what I meant. Barbara and Stephanie are the closest I've ever been to having a daughter. I don't know what to do with her!"

Alfred cringed as Cass started licking the rest of the sauce off of her plate. "Teach her basic manners, first of all. She's barely used the fork I gave her."

"Knowing Cain, manners probably weren't high on his priority list. The boys said that she's basically his police dog."

Cass chugged the bottle of water in front of her. Then she wiped off her mouth with the back of her hand. "I gave her a napkin." Alfred muttered. But then she looked at him with the sweetest little smile, her plate outstretched, and he relented slightly. He took the dish from her. "Thank you, Miss Cassandra."

She pushed back her chair, hopping to her feet, off to find Damian. Bruce caught her arm. She looked back to him, startled. He pointed towards her bathroom. She pointed out the door, towards Damian's room. Bruce shook his head, pointing back to the bathroom. She deflated slightly, walking to get a change of clothes from her backpack.

"I'll go run her shower." Alfred said. "I don't want her to break it."

"Will she need toiletries?" Bruce asked.

"I already put some things in the shower, and she has a towel and a dressing gown hanging."

"Thank you, Alfred. I don't know what I would do without you."

"Die, sir. You and your children both. Miss Cain, you can wait until I have shut the door before you undress!" He stared at Bruce as he closed the bathroom door. "We're going to have fun dealing with that one."

Bruce rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I don't think that she knows any better."

"Of course she doesn't. But she will learn soon enough. What are you going to do about the boys?"

"What about the boys?"

"Everything! Activities, entertainment! You don't want to deal with bored boys all summer."

"And a bored girl is easy?"

"I get the feeling that she's used to boredom. Those boys though... they'll be a handful."

As if on cue, Tim came stomping. "I'm going to kill that little brat if his entitled ass doesn't stop whining!"

"Please don't kill your little brother, Timbo. He's been here for an hour, give him a chance." Bruce was already sick of having so many kids.

"I'm trying, but he's making it very difficult. And isn't there a girl? I haven't even seen her!"

Bruce jerked his thumb towards the bathroom door. "She's in the shower. As you should be."


"Tim. Shower, now. Then, bed."

"Fiiinnnee." Tim turned on his heel.


"Chocolate or vanilla?" Dick asked, digging through the freezer.


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