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In the depths of the underworld, where shadows danced and darkness reigned supreme, Devil King Ravon stood alone in his throne room, a figure of formidable power and unmatched allure. His piercing gaze surveyed the realm of chaos and despair, his heart a fortress of darkness untouched by the light.

Yet, amidst the shadows, there came a whisper of a mortal's presence. A human girl, with eyes that shimmered like stars amidst the abyss, dared to step into his realm, her heart beating with a courage born of desperation and hope.

As she approached him, trembling but resolute, Jungkook felt a stirring within him—a hunger he had long suppressed, a desire of hunting one torture in way sexual way he had deemed forbidden. For in the depths of his infernal domain, he had never expected to encounter a soul so pure, a spirit so unyielding.

"Vermia," he breathed, his voice a low rumble that echoed through the chamber, his eyes locking onto hers with a primal intensity. "What brings you to the realm of the damned, little human?"

Vermia stood her ground, her chin lifted defiantly as she met his gaze head-on. "I seek your aid, Devil King," she declared, her voice unwavering despite the fear that coursed through her veins. "My people suffer, and I have heard whispers of your power to grant salvation."

A smirk played at the corners of Jungkook's lips as he circled her, his dark wings unfurling behind him like a cloak of shadows. "And what could you possibly offer me in return for such a boon?" he mused, his eyes glittering with amusement.

Mia's breath caught in her throat as she felt the weight of his gaze upon her, his presence suffocating yet undeniably intoxicating. "My SOUL or My BODY lord," she whispered, her voice barely a whisper. "I offer you, if you will but save my people from despair."

Jungkook halted in his tracks, his expression unreadable as he regarded her with newfound interest. "A soul for a soul and BODY FOR BODY ," he murmured, his voice a seductive promise wrapped in velvet darkness. "Very well, Vermia. I shall grant your request, but know this—I will not be merciful, nor will I be kind, I will be RUTHLESS"

Vermia met his gaze with unwavering resolve, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear and anticipation. "I accept your terms, Devil King," she vowed, her voice tinged with defiance. "Whatever the cost, I will pay it gladly, if only to bring hope to those who suffer."

And with that fateful pact, sealed in the shadows of the underworld, an unlikely alliance was forged between a devil king and a mortal maiden—a bond that would defy the boundaries of heaven and hell, and ignite a passion that burned brighter than the flames of damnation.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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