First day

21 1 1

Dahyun's POV
This is the first day of the new year and I'm a senior student this is my last year in JYhigh School me chaeyoung and tzuyu

On my first day, I just got up and went to school but first, we needed to head to chaeyoung's house

Her mom greeted us with a desperate look because chaeyoung she stayed up all night long drawing

"CHaEyouNg yOu gIrl Get uP wE HaVE SchOoL " I screamed my lungs out hoping she can get up
But she didn't even make a single move
I screamed once and twice but she still the same
Tzuyu came and she was smirking like she got an idea and sometimes I feel afraid of her smirking
She looked at me and took chaeyoung's favourite drawing (mina picture) and tried to cut it and yeah chaeyoung got up dashing to catch her masterpiece (or maybe her crush pic)
"Yahhh are you crazy how dare you cut my angle pic !!!!" Chaeyoung yelling at Tzuyu and comforting mina between her hands (the pic)
I looked at them in disbelief and i took tzuyu out the room because they would fight for the million times for this week

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