Project: Elden Ring: Aftermath

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Elden Ring: Aftermath is a fanfiction taking place immediately after the events of the Main Game, and the default Elden Lord ending.
Currently storyboarding and creating Characters, as well as Theory Crafting and Gathering to make sure the story fits with what likely is occuring in the lands between.

If you have any questions, please DM me, or otherwise contact me.

If you would like a special place as a guest in the book, you're in luck! I'm looking for people who have extensive knowledge of Elden Ring to share their knowledge, and/or theories with me to better prepare the storyboard and world that will be painted.
Unfortunately I can offer no compensation for your time, aside from a shout-out in the Credits tab, and if you provide a groundbreaking theory or piece of knowledge, a spot in the Special Thanks section.

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