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I was bored at my dormitory with nothing to do after a long tiring day at work.

My dorm mates are all busy talking with their partners over the phone.

I am not in the mood to watch a series right now.

Then a friend of mine called me teasing me I'm already at 30s and still single.

"Try tinder once again! You deserve to be happy after that toxic 2 year relationship." Kalila said.

"Okay hahaha try my luck then, and stop setting me up on blind dates I am not into it." I said.

"Okay okay but why not? Are you having a doubt on our judgements choosing a partner for you? The last time we let you choose but --- hayyy nevermind." 

"Maybe a romantic thing is not for me."

"Geez! You're a sweet person, you haven't found him yet, proven and tested all of your exes are chasing you at the end of the day."

"I need to go bye!"

I re-installed my tinder again after ages.

Then upload my photos. I don't mind if I'm not pretty on my photos if they swipe right or left.

As time went by I saw a man who has a pretty face. Lol.

Green eyes, narrow eyes, red lips and seems so tall estimated 5'11 or 6 flat.

I found him a cutie.

I thought he would not swipe right so I hesitated for sure I am not his type but let's take a risk goooo swipe right!

I almost fell on my bed when we matched but then again hesitated to send a message.

I stopped swiping cause I like him and don't know why I don't even talk to him..

After 2 days he sent a message and gave his whatsapp number.

Then I added him up and introduced myself.

He replied immediately.

He introduced himself, currently working in Japan and he asked me immediately if it's okay we will be in LDR set up.

I told him that I'm an independent person but my love language is physical touch and quality time well I need to compromise the set up if we will work out as a couple.

I even had a thought when I am with my past relationship in one roof we are always arguing over petty things what if LDR works.

Let's see.

Dearest John,Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon