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A cold winter morning, dry and windy. The office was quiet today and not many people came to work due to it being flu season. Eli sat in his office, not doing any work just sitting there not really sure what he's supposed to actually be doing. I mean, as ceo of a large company he should probably know what to do right? Nope.

"Hey, boss?" Eli's assistant ash knocked at the door, they were more friends than co-workers at this point as they shared a lot of opinions and interests. Ash walked in and sat down on the chair to Eli's desk, both of her legs hanging off one side of the chair arm and laying down which made Eli chuckle.

"We have a new employee arriving today, his name is Kaoru have you heard?" Ash asked.

Ash had black hair, wide eyes and a good smile yet she was still single.

"Ah no, I haven't. Where will he be working?" Eli asked interested.

"In the office a few rows down from yours, he'll be in charge of the finance department from now on" Ash got up and started to walk out when she stopped and looked over at Eli again.
"He's starting today, do try and make a good impression." Ash asked smirking to herself.

"Yeah yeah" Eli replied slightly offended as Ash left his office. The fact they were getting a new employee didn't surprise him all that much, just that he would have another person nagging him about his unfinished assignments.

A few hours later, Eli got up to make himself a coffee in the break room, he didn't care for coffee at all really but he didn't get much sleep last night and needed something to wake him up. As he walked into the room he saw some one standing in front of the coffee machine he hadn't seen before.
'So this must be him then' Eli thought to himself as he examined Kaoru.
Black hair, well built body, would be a few centimetres shorter than Eli, nice ass— wait. Eli stopped himself and shook off his previous almost indecent thought, he really shouldn't make that sort of judgement at a new employee. He stopped himself just in time for Kaoru to notice, Kaoru turned around and for the first time Eli saw his face.


Sure, he heard a few female employees talk about him on the way to the break room but he didn't actually expect to see that it was true? Eli stopped breathing for a moment and in half a second analysed his face. Thin brown eyes, cute upturned nose, good jawline. As he was taking it in Kaoru turned his head in confusion.

"We're you waiting or?" Kaoru said looking at Eli and then the coffee machine.

It took Eli a second to gather up a reasonable answer.

"Ah, yes but take your time" Eli said with a friendly smile while brushing off any lewd thoughts he had. Of course his voice had to be attractive aswell.

"No it's fine, I was done anyway" Kaoru said while turning around to leave the room.

Eli was too distracted in that moment to trap Kaoru there for a conversation, as Kaoru left the room their shoulders brushed for a second and Eli inhaled the most intoxicating scent he'd ever witnessed. Eli shut the break room door when Kaoru left and started breathing again, did 10 years just get taken off his life? Probably. Eli started to make his coffee and calm himself down, he also tried to hide the fact his dick had gone half-hard but neglected it. Is it possible to fire an employee because they are too hot, no that wouldn't work.

Eli quickly walked back to his office and slumped down onto his chair, he needed to get back to work. Screw Kaoru and his unfair attractiveness there was shit to do. Eli got an email that the office was going out for drinks after work, Eli wondered if Kaoru was going too, I mean he had to go right? Right?

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