Chapter Nine

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          Raglan, having just finished speaking with a client, sat with a bored expression fixed into his features as he absently finger combed his thin, taupe hair. No one important, and no one particularly worth a victim. Just some woman.

          Though, this did make him wonder. Would he see Mike again?

          Raglan would be absolutely soaking in every bit of that possible interaction. The career counselor would be smitten to see the defeated look in the young man's eyes, marking his return in only a week, or the sadness in them when his sister would inevitably get dragged into the conversation.

          That would be stupendous.

          The older man had seen the report on the news about Mike's sister. Abigail Schmidt. It had made him simply ecstatic, gifting the counselor a short, buzzing feeling of accomplishment. Raglan didn't get that very often anymore.

          Continuously brushing his short, whitening hair, he attempted to focus on his work. He could bask in his successes later. For now, he had to take responsibility and actually find that random lady some suitable job opportunities.


          Vanessa paced restlessly in the bedroom of her home. Abby was gone. Missing, entirely. Her plan hadn't worked, and now the girl's body was gone. What had happened? The animatronics couldn't have done it, could they?

          At this point, it wouldn't be very unbelieveable. She shook her head to herself, begging a silent disagreement.

          Stopping in her tracks, she took a moment to reflect on the sheer terror and ridiculousness of the situation. A girl's body, mysteriously vanished from what seemed like thin air, having had been there only hours prior. Vanessa stifled a sob.

          She had to be strong. If not for herself, for Mike. A second sibling dead, and on top of that, earning the title of missing just like the last.

          Vanessa's moistened gaze scanned her living space, eyeing down a photograph resting listlessly on her night stand. It was of her and her father, shot when she was a young child. She missed her innocence from before the day she had found out the type of person he really was.

          How could she help Mike when she couldn't even help herself?


          Mike stared at the key to Freddy's in his hand with an unreadable expression. He was debating on whether or not he should return that night.

          The young man just pondered. It could be dangerous. The animatronics there were, well, still.. possessed. They'd probably still be out for him.

          Sighing, he stood up.

          Not tonight. He thought.

          He wasn't up to it that day. Maybe soon.


          Vanessa stared on at the picture for a moment longer, before her perception averted towards her closet. She swallowed the lump in her throat and walked over towards it. She knew it was in here.

         The airplane. Vanessa's airplane. Garrett's airplane.

          She knew it wouldn't help with Abby, who of which was probably Mike's prioritized concern, but it would still be good for him to have it. Besides, he knew she had it. She had showed him that picture. It would be selfish of her to keep it.

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