𝙸𝚗𝚡𝚜 | 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕 𝙷𝚞𝚝𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎

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REQUESTED BY icedgrohl
Thank you for the request!
I am seated on the couch yawning heavily whilst I wait for Michael to get home. He was out on a show tonight and I was unsure as to when he was going to get home, the tv was blaring some random show but I wasn't paying attention to it. I was more worried about Michael he has been out all night, like I had imagined and I had been waiting since he left. Soon enough, however the door swings open and large treading boots Klink on inside. My head snaps to the side glancing over to see the shape of a man in the doorway. "Michael is that you?" I ask with a small bit of a laugh in my voice, though it just comes out as a high breath. "Yea. Yea it's me." He grunts tossing his large black boots off to the side and walking around to the kitchen. "Well you aren't coming in to say hello?" I nag with a snicker as I follow him out into the kitchen. "Yea, sorry. Hey y/n" he sighs, grabbing a Pepsi out of the fridge and pushing past me. "Hey! Wait a minute are you okay." I continue to follow him around like I was completely clueless. "Yea. Fine, thanks. Could you like leave me alone." He hisses sorry at me as he flips his hair over is exposed shoulders. "But wait, what's wrong?" I ask still following him, though that was a mistake. "I said leave me alone didnt I? So why don't you piss off and leave me be!" Michael spins on his heels to face me, gets into my face as I flinch and back up. "S...sorry I-" I start, but Michael had already started up the stairs. I'm in utter shock as I just stand there for a moment, my heart sort of racing as my stomach tingling. "Bye then.." I muster out before tears begin to prickle my eyes. I begin to cry but try to keep myself silent so I wouldn't bother Michael. I took a seat on the couch and cried for a while before eventually drifting off to sleep.

The next morning I woke up feeling exhausted. Nothing really felt right. Not my odd crusty eyes, not me waking up on the couch, not the cupboards being Wide open, and definitely not Michael's discarded boots on the side of the doormat. I sit up and clear my eyes as someone becomes stumbling quickly down the stairs. I sink, along with my heart and stomach. Flashbacks of what happened last night quickly come back to me. "That's why everything is so...weird." I think to myself as I try to hide behind the couch. It was no use, here came Michael on the other side. My makeup must have been running from my crying last night because he asks. "Are you alright?" He kind of cocks his head to one side and raises a brow. "Uh, yea fine, fine." I say softly as I run my sleeve across my eyes. "No, not 'fine fine'" he echos. "What's wrong." He demands, obviously not planning to let up until he gets an answer out of me. "Well. When you had that little...blow up last night it kind of upset me... and I cried, a lot." I say looking away with a sigh. "Oh? Y/n... I didn't mean to upset you." Michael says a small sound of worry in his voice as he apologizes. "No, no it's fine Michael. Please." I say with a small smile. "No, y/n, honey that's really my fault. I'm sorry. I had a very stressful show last night and it kind of set me off. I should have spoken to you instead of blowing up, I'm sorry." Michael says, looking away as well, but I pop up and quickly throw my arms around his shoulders in a hug. "That's okay, Michael. You don't need to be sorry. I understand how stressful it can be doing shows and all, why don't we go out... we can talk about it then." I say with a wide grin and Michael kisses me on the forehead. "Yea, that sounds nice." He says with a smile on his face as well. He rushes off upstairs to get ready before we do so and once we do we both walk out the door like we owned the world, he still continuously apologized and remains to explain himself over and over because of how he upset me. I've gotten used to it, he'll probably forget about it soon..

(Sorry if it was short !!)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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