Chapter 1: Silent Night

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[thunder rumbling outside]

Clara sits in her bedside chair, combing through her newly cut, short brunette hair. The rain outside is loud and the thunder makes it sound as if someone was throwing pots and pans off the roof.

"Why does it have to rain on Saturdays?!" said Clara. "Why can't it just rain on Mondays?" "Nothing good happens on Mondays," she said to herself, "Saturdays are the best days of the week! Anything can happen on Saturdays!"

Clara continued combing through her hair, and then threw the brush on the ground. She let out a big *sigh* and fell back onto her bed. The second she hit her bedsheets, she heard a loud thud.

"Oh come on! I do not weigh that much!!" she screamed aloud.

She then realized the noise came from outside. It had sounded like a car crashed into the street. She quickly jumped up from her bed and grabbed the window knob, and struggled to crank the window open. Clara then cracked the knob to the left, and she nearly fell out the window as it flew open.

In the street outside her apartment lie a blue, 1920's police box. The main frame of the box was intact but there were wood planks lying around the road.

"Oi! Are you alright!?" Clara shouted as a small, metal device rolled out from the wreckage. [a cloister bell is heard coming from the mysterious blue box in the road]

Clara slammed the window, and grabbed her baby blue bathrobe and headed outside to investigate. As she stepped out the front door, she noticed the device she saw rolling from the blue box earlier. She stepped closer to it, and picked it up to examine it. The device looked like a very complicated electric toothbrush. It had 4 metal bars spread out around the tip. There was a green lightbulb on the top of it. She was very intrigued by the object so she kept it in her robe pocket.

[a burst of smoke erupted out of the blue box]

"Is somebody in there??" Clara said. "I can call a policeman...but I suppose the easiest way to do that just crashed in the street."

"aaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAALLONS-Y!!!!!" "No. That's not right. I meant to say fantastic." "No no stupid. That was the one with the big ears." a voice came from inside, as Clara turned to face the blue police box. "Oh come on how can I forget this."

"Who's in there?" Clara shouted. There was a moment of silence from inside the noisy box. It seemed as if the entire street grew mute.

"You." a voice emerged from the blue box. "I remember you. You helped me escape the Dalek Asylum." It went silent again. "...uh, excuse me? The what asylum?" Clara muttered under her breath.

A dark figure covered in black ash, emerged from the blue box. "You're...alive?..." the mysterious man said.

"Where have you been? A coal mine?" Clara said, ignoring the previous remark from the man.

"I'm sorry. You just reminded me of a friend I lost. Is it okay if I use your shower?

[back inside Claras apartment]

"The shower is over there in my bedroom, just walk in and take a left." Clara said. "Thank you, I really appreciate" said the man. "What was your name again?"

"You can call me Clara." she said. "What's your name?"

"The Doctor." he replied.

"of..?" she hesitated to ask.

"Oh, it's just 'The Doctor,' not of medicine." said the Doctor.

"Okay, well help yourself to the shower, you look like you just spent the last 5 years cleaning chimneys." remarked Clara.

The Doctor turned his back to Clara and walked into the bathroom. Clara had to go pick out a different outfit because the robe she was wearing wasn't appropriate for having guests over. She went to her closet to change and on the way, passed the bathroom door, which was left open just a crack. She saw the Doctor stripping off his clothes, revealing more than she needed to see. However she kept looking.

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