Chapter six

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It's been 3 months and they've found 2 more bodies. It was said that the killer was on the loose so we don't have to go to school. Diego and Lila have been spending more time than usual which is good I suppose. Klaus is still with his drugs. Five well can you even change him? 

"It was late at night. "I heard they opened up a new ice cream shop not far from here" We were currently at Lila's house. The safest neighborhood. That's what I thought. "Are you stupid Diego? There's a killer on the loose you idiot!" I said yelling at him "What you really think there's some guy fucking killing people?" you could tell he was drunk. Especially by just smelling his breath. "How do you know it's not a girl?" I asked 

"You really think a girl has the gut too?" "I think so!" Lila said "Well you girls are sensitive so" I just looked at him and got up "Five let's go" "It's lik-" "Five I'm not asking!" I said and got in the car. "Darling, why are you so mad about it? It's Diego being Diego" He said "You agree with him?" I asked "No but let's get back inside come on" He said grabbing my hand and starting to walk back "He''s just drunk okay?" 

"mhm whateve-" I look behind me. "Did you hear that?" Five turns around and we see a shadow. A person's shadow standing there. "Let's just get inside" We got back inside and I closed the door "We should go to sleep don't you think?" "You guys came back!" Lila said smiling

"I think we should go to bed" I said and Lila took me to my room. "Thanks, Lila," I said and grabbed Five's hand "Come on let's get in bed" "I'll get in bed with you alright" He said "Five! you're nasty!" I said and we got in bed. "Did you see the shadow too?" I asked and he looked at me "I think it was just a tree but I'm not sure" He held me closer and I smiled. "Maybe it was but I know I'm safe with you" I smiled knowing damn well I was lying for crying out loud. He couldn't keep me safe if it depended on his life. "well let's just go to sleep okay" He said and we fell asleep.


I woke up to yelling in the morning and we ran down. "What happened!" I asked Lila "H-He's dead! They killed him!" I looked over the couch and there was Diego's body. "He's dead?" I asked "Yes!" she stayed quiet and looked at me "This is your fault. You did it, didn't you? You killed him!" She started yelling "That's nonsense she was with me last night!" Five said and he was holding me. "Guys the cops are here!" Klaus said as he put his phone away

Five grabbed me and held onto me. The officer came in "Can we get a detective in here!" He shouted as a female came in looking at Diego's body and taking pictures. "May we go outside?" The officer said and we all got out of the house. "So is it okay if we ask you guys some questions? By the way name is Henry" "I don't see why not" Klaus said "Well we're gonna have to take you down to the station. So half of you guys come with me and the other of you guys go with my friend over there Justin" He said getting in the car

I got in the car with Five and Klaus while Lila and Maddy went together. the whole car ride was quiet. I was looking outside just admiring how perfect it was. We got to the station and we sat down. "We're gonna ask you guys questions separately starting with Lila. They took her into the room.


"My name is Joe and I'll be asking some questions if you don't mind. So why was everyone at your house?" He asked me "Well we decided to spend time together at someone's house and we picked mine so we stayed there" "So what did you guys do?" "We drank a little nothing too much" I said looking at the camera. "Something did happen though" He looked at me "Well, you see Diego kinda got in a little argument with Y/N but nothing serious. Y/N was mad though. Five had to get her from outside" I said and stayed quiet "Is that it?" "Yes" He got up and opened the door as Five went in.


"I don't know what happened okay? I just remember going to bed and he was dead!" "Sir we never said you knew what happened okay? Just calm down okay" Thet told me as if I would calm down how pathetic. "There's a killer on the fucking loose and you're telling me to calm my shit down?" I said and they just looked away. "Y/N got in an argument with him before we fell asleep so I don't know that's all" I said and they looked up at me. "You think it was your girlfriend?" "I don't know i was just saying what I know" I got up and walked out 


I went in and sat down as they got their clip borde "So we heard you got in an argument with Diego. You wanna start there?" They asked me and I rolled my eyes. "it wasn't anything to get me to kill if that's what you suggesting!" I said and they looked up at me "We never suggested that. Now can you please tell us what happened" "Fine we argued over something stupid yes I got mad but I wouldn't hurt him" I said and they just asked other questions. 


After what seemed like hours they let us go. "So now we think it's me since I got in an argument with him before he died?" I said looking at them. "Well you did look mad" Klaus said "You guys are so fake I can't!" I said getting into the taxi car. Five got in holding my hand "Where are you gonna stay?" "At some hotel probably" I said and the Taxi started driving "They think it's me Five"

"Who cares what they think? I believe you okay. You didn't do it" I smiled and we got off. We went in and paid for a room. "I give everything to Lila just for her to turn her back on me. How stupid." We got in bed and fell asleep.


"So we just let them leave?" Klaus asked me "He can follow her for all I care" I saw my parents get there and I got in the car "So did you do what we told you?" They asked me and I looked at them "Yes I did exactly what you said" "Good" My father looked at me and smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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