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Harry sighed loudly as Phonegingi started to sing the classic old tune,

This had been going on for TEN. MINUTES. STRAIGHT. Gingi had only shut up when they arrived at the weird looking building. Gingi had marveled at the sight. The big beartrap head at the top taking a weird looking chomp towards the 'camera.' They could smell everything and more, mold, scuttler nectar, bodily fluids, drugs, cigarettes and even pizza! Gingi gazed up and around the building, so beauty... so magnificent...

Harry gently hit Gingi on the back of their neck to snap them out of thought, not unlike an angry mother. Gingi shook his head a bit before looking to Harry, who gestured up to the front door rather than stalling in the parking lot. Now that Phonegingi had gotten a look, it seemed many people were here, judging by the amount of cars that took up the space. They found themself getting sidetracked again and it took Harry reminding them again for them to focus.

As they walked into the stinky building, Phonegingi received glares'a'million. They didn't care much, rather growling at the scuttlers that moved on by. Harry tried to dismiss the idea that he had a rabid beast in the restaurant- other than Oscar of course- to the parents. He found most of them just bringing their child closer to them though. 
They seemingly walked for what seemed like forever until finally reaching the office. Gingi let out disgruntled ape noises at the sudden change in scenery and blinked a few times trying to understand what was happening. All they knew was
-tummy hurty

"Mister Kennedy-" Harry began to speak. The mystery man on the chair almost flying out of his seat in shock. He pressed a few buttons on his phone-head and the screen changed colors before he turned around.

"Yes employee?" 'Mister Kennedy' spoke. Gingi analyzed him before he even got the chance to do the same to them. Their skin seemed awfully... orange. Not a natural look however, more like it seemed this man just put pounds of makeup on. The cryptid scratched their head as their eye went up to look at his receiver. The man donned a nokia-esq look, not unlike the swan wrangler at the park. Rather than a grey look however, it was just as orange as his skin, with grey and black accents lining the screen. While Gingi had pondered the man, he seemingly jumped again. Seeing the lime-hued lizard was even more of a surprise than he thought it was going to be. As said before, he did the exact same thing as Gingi had to him; analyzing of course. The first thing Jack noticed was.... his severe surplus of nipples. Good lord this is even worse than Dave... Jack would have said something meaner if Harry hadn't spoken up first.

"Uh... This... thing wanted to talk to you... I think they want to take you out on a date or something... I honestly am not sure." Harry preached, nervousness flooding him. Jack's face seemingly contorted into that of a 'confused' look. What did Harry mean by 'date'...

"Good morrow fellow child of the north. For haps I askn't much of you" Gingi started talking, Jack immediately shutting Gingi's old-speak with a 'nu-uh.'

"PLEAAASE take me on a funfair date... Ticket Jerry sayeth that I need someone to help meee." GIngi practically begged. Jack looked even more confused now. His phone head wasn't able to express the sheer amount of emotion the kreechur put him through. Jack was slightly at a crossroad. He didn't even know what this silly {CREATURE-OF-NON-DESCRETE-SEX} was talking about, let alone who they were. He had come across gems like this ever since he opened his business in Dialtown, making it all the more weird. Jack thought again, like Harry had mentioned to himself, this wasn't the first time he had talked to a cryptid, let alone one with skin presiding to the rainbow.

"They had told me about it on the way here sir. I think they have a... two for one sale on tickets at the fair? They need to lay their eggs there or some other of it" Harry's voice became more disgusted by the second. Jack nodded to Harry as he took in the information, thinking of it even more. Jack was about to shake his head in a decline before the stitched-goblin spoke.

"Would you rather me lay my eggs here." it was true, it was the perfect place to lay eggs, moist, desolate, close enough to the food to where a hatchling could grab a pizza and bring it back. Jack was quick to changing his answer.

"Fine fine fine-" He choked out. He did NOT want Gingi laying eggs in the resturaunt, he'd much rather place it on another poor sucker if anything. Jack looked at the time, 5 pm, his shift was almost over anyways, and he could use a day away from the house or cigarette store. Jack let out a long sigh and Gingi cheered in triumph, just as he did previously with Harry. Gingi praced around a bit before remembering they literally were about to have babies later and writhing on the floor in pain, growling what seemed like kangaroo slurs. Harry scooted closer to Jack, whispering to him. 

"I... you don't have to do this sir... I can convince someone else to take them... or dump them off in the next town..." the black-phone reasoned, trying to find acceptance in both ends. Jack shook his head though, dismissing the thought. "S-sir you really don-"

"Nonsense employee, I know how to drive a cryptid away, just give them what they want." 

Gingi bothers an orange man for 2 dollarsWhere stories live. Discover now