12 | Heeseung - bloody surprise

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This was a Halloween story I wrote last year but I didn't know where to put it, so I'll just post it here. It's February but eh, you can either come back for it in October or read it already!
I posted this one on TikTok as well, on Halloween then though.


It was Friday morning when you emptied your mail box.

A strange brown-coloured letter caught your attention.
Your name was written in red ink, as you turned it around you saw it was sealed with wax. No return address, not even your address, all it said was your name. You ripped open the letter and quickly pulled out the paper and unfolded it.

"Dearest y/n,
we are happily inviting you to our bloody party on October 31st.
It's going to be a hell of fun. Wear a bloody cool outfit.
We are happy to see you soon.
The inhabitants of the castle can't wait to finally meet you.
Have a devilish good day.
Best greetings

Confused yet quite amused you looked at the letter.

A letter from the castle? You had to chuckle.

Were they for real? They never let anyone in and now they were celebrating a Halloween party?

And who was E H?

You were still quite intrigued by the fact they invited you.

The saga said there were seven vampires living in the castle, never did they leave it and never did they let anyone in. The saga is ancient, so you always thought it couldn't be true. Maybe it was just a Halloween story to scare children or to make bets on who was brave enough to enter and to make it out alive.

But if it wasn't true, who was inviting you? So it had to be true.

You weren't scared. Maybe the letter was just from someone's joking nature but you accepted the challenge.

So, a few days later you entered the second hand shop of your town and found pieces of clothing that could work with your idea of a costume, you wanted to be a fairy but a sexy and not cute one.
You found the perfect dress for it, as well as some wings in their costume box.

Today was the day.

You got ready for the party. You did your makeup, put on the dress, the wings, some boots and were ready to go.
A quick look again into the mirror and then you left your place. You looked up the mountain the castle was standing on, the moon was shining in full glamour and lighted up the dark night sky.

You asked a friend of yours to come with you. He was already waiting outside your place in his car.

Quickly you entered and put on the seat belt.

"Damn, you look hot!", he smirked at you and you just jokingly rolled your eyes: "Thank you, Yeonjun but let's go!"

"Yeah yeah~ to the castle we go~"

"You look quite good yourself though~", you said. Yeonjun was going as Joker, his poisonous green hair just was perfect for the concept.

"Can you believe they're real?", you curiously asked.

"Well, if they're really vampires, I wanna see that myself.", he chuckled and you nodded.

"Vampires... as if.", you then chuckled too.

Yeonjun drove the two of you up the mountain and parked in front of the castle, a few other cars were already parked there as well.

You both walked towards the big dark gates. They were closed but as you got closer a few torches lit up, making both of you surprised. Then the gates opened and the two of you were impressed.

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