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It started at a competition, we were in New Jersey to compete at All Stars Dance. The David Sanders Dance Company held a big title for never losing, so it was definitely pressure on when your on the competition team. My family also had a big reputation for amazing dancers such as my older sister Kendel and myself. Especially Kendel, she was the star dancer of the family. Won every time.

Thats why I was so scared when I found out that David had put me against her in the junior solo category. He barely ever gave me a solo as it is, I was that dancer that was always in the back, quietly missing her steps and focusing on everyone else to guide her through. My dancing skills back then, three years ago to be exact, wasn't at all that good. Well, I was actually really good. I had to be to be on the David Sanders Competition Team. I was great, I just wasn't greater than the other really great dancers.

Anyways, long story short we got to the competition. I was mentally shitting bricks when my solo was up. And even more when we were going through awards. It was surprising to learn that my prodigy sister had gotten second. Even more surprising that I had gotten first. And beaten her!
I had started crying on stage. That was the first time I had ever gotten first place and beaten Kendel.

Walking back to our room, I learned that Kendel wasn't too excited about my win. She wouldn't talk to me at all.

Chasing her down the hall was when I had bumped into him. Him as in Jack, the love of my life. We shared a quick hello followed by starstruck stares at each other. Imagine two fifteen year olds having love at first sight, we stood there for a while. Finally I decided to go back after my sister. When I got to the room I heard light whispering. I recognized the voices of my mom and Kendel.

"Do you really think she should've won mom?!" Kendel's voice was hysterical, sobbing out her words.

"W.. Well Kendel, I don't know. I'm not a judge. You both did very well."
Mom was stuttering, it was expected. Kendel had always been the favorite and Mom had always been afraid to upset her.

"Answer the question!"

"Honestly... no. Not at all, I mean your sister she... she's wonderful she really is. But your a star. I have no idea what's wrong with those judges Kendel!"

The honesty in my mothers voice killed me. I knew she wasn't just saying that so she wouldn't upset my sister. She meant it. I ran down the hall crying silently. It hurt to know that even when I finally beat
Kendel, I still lost to her. To this day they still don't know that I had overheard their little conversation.

I ended up running into Jack in the arcade. He asked me what was wrong and for some reason, I trusted him. I told him everything and thats where our story began. He's known me since I was a little competition team dancer, till I turned into a huge World of Dance Headliner. And I've known him since he was just an Omaha school boy, till he turned into a vital part of the famous duo Jack & Jack.

I guess thats why I thought we were invincible. We watched each other grow up and turn into stars.

Guess I should've known better.


Our story began three years ago. August of 2012 at a dance competition in New Jersey.

Our problems began only a couple of days ago when I came home with Jack's ticket for World of Dance : Los Angeles. I was bubbling over with excitement. I had been practicing with my dance partner, Ian Eastwood, for our main act. We were dancing to Body Party by Ciara, but I made sure to keep the choreography clean for Jack's sake. I had brung him to the studio a couple times to watch us practice and to say he was jealous is an understatement.

Anyways, I was practically bouncing off the walls by the time I opened the door to see Jack, along with the rest of the Omaha crew, sitting on the couches lazily watching TV.

"Jack I got your tickets today! Are you excited to see me perform?!"

I had practically screamed my sentence. His response however, popped my jolly mood like a balloon.

"Why would I want to go and watch you grind all over some guy while you have a boyfriend? No thanks."

I was appalled with his response and his tone. His voice was filled with... disgust. My jaw dropped and I stopped bouncing on my heels, even his friends seemed to be shocked at his answer.

"Maybe because I worked my ass off trying to nail this dance and you want to be a supportive boyfriend!"

I turned on my heels and headed back to the front door, ready to leave, before I stopped.

"You know what Jack, do you think I wanna come to the little music video release party you guys throw to watch pretty girls dance all over you?! No I don't! But do I suck it up because I'm supposed to support you? Yeah, I do! Thanks for showing the love back."

Then, I left to stay with my friend Olivia.

When I came back to the house to get my stuff, things got even worse.

Jack was in the bathroom when his phone beeped. Naturally, I walked over to see if it was something important.


babyyyy when u coming over? I miss u, yesterday was fun😏💗

I should have seen that coming. He's been with the same girl for three years, why wouldn't he get bored?

I couldn't blame him for not wanting to be with me anymore, no matter how much it hurt. But cheating on me? It was completely uncalled for and he is going to have hell to pay for it.

{a/n hey! lol this was pretty fun to write, anyways im leah and i love you very much for reading this first chapter of my crappy story lol. ❤}

refuge ↠ jack gilinskyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora