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I slept the whole day since I saw Jack with that girl. I think I was just being in denial when I said that Jack would never cheat on me. I knew. I really did. I knew it was true, I just didn't want it to be. What's even worse is that my World of Dance performance is today and I have no motivation to move from this bed. I feel like I've been hit by a truck.

I eyed the prescription bottle for my ankle injury that was on the bedside table. I huffed out a sigh and lifted a shaky hand, picking up the bottle.

Take two tablets thirty minutes prior to every activity. More than two may cause lethal effects.

I read the label. I weighed out my options. Take two to numb the pain in my ankle, or take four to numb the pain in both my ankle and my heart.

No, your better than this Kailani.

But it hurts so much.

Within a quick second, before I could back out, I popped four tablets into my mouth. I threw myself back on the bed and sighed heavily. My heart hurt with a heavy pain that was weighing me down. I didn't have the energy to fight it.

So I took two more.



The crowd roared as Ian and I stood behind the stage, getting ready to perform.

Suddenly, Ian turned to me and grabbed my shoulders.

"You ready Lani?" He asked with a goofy smile.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I told him, only a slight smile occupying my face.

Truth be told I was terrified. All those pills were not a good idea. My head hurt like hell and I felt just a little bit dizzy.


The crowd roared and the lights dimmed. We waited for our cue, the intro of the music, before making our way on stage.

I felt the familiar rush that I always did when I came on the stage. The approval of the audience was apparent by their screams, their welcoming. Even with all the noise, the pain in my head started to dim down and I felt the welcoming love of my passion. I've been dancing since for ever, and this was a blessing that not even Jack and his mess could ruin.

I glided through each step. Suddenly feeling a peace that I hadn't felt in days was relieving. I made my way to the front of the stage and did the turn that I had hurt my ankle doing. Only this time, I nailed it.

I looked down at the crowd before me, smiling as I continued moving across the stage. Out of no where, my eyes met a familiar pupil. Chocolate brown and filled with pride. The same look that was there every time he saw me dance along with an adoring smile. Jack.

"Im so proud of you." He mouthed, his eyes watering.

That really touched me. I didn't really have any family. Jack's family was mine. I hadn't talked to my mom or sister since I had found out about their secret loathing of me. Even when I live with them, I stayed mute. Jack was the only one who I really wanted to be proud of me. Why was he here anyways? Shouldn't he be with Vanessa?

Before I even realized it, the performance was over. Ian and I took a bow and made our way to the exit of the stage. I took one last Jack and suddenly felt too overwhelmed, and incredibly sleepy.

The last thing I saw was a worried look cross Jack's face, and then I felt a feeling of free falling as I welcomed my conscience into a void of black nothingness.

{im so excited for this story guys omg! hope yall like it! anyways feedback is amazing so please feel free to vote/comment! thanks for reading guys!❤}

refuge ↠ jack gilinskyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora